jackthom: Well spotted! - the pump body doesn't seem to overheat now. So: I've just switched the elec off, disconnected the wiring @pump and put an ohm meter across live and neutral. Result= 100ohm resistance. So, assuming I'm measuring the right thing, not open circuit right now. BUT, does the capacitor also bridge live/neutral? - could I be testing its resistance rather than the, possibly opencircuit, electromagnet wiring?
Andy: I've hesitated over that. Previously when I've replaced components in old plumbing, I've ended up replacing a lot more than intended as standards have changed, new things don't fit, aren't really compatible etc. As far as I can see "Grundfos Multihead type G p/n 59506180" pumps aren't available any more...
Andy: I've hesitated over that. Previously when I've replaced components in old plumbing, I've ended up replacing a lot more than intended as standards have changed, new things don't fit, aren't really compatible etc. As far as I can see "Grundfos Multihead type G p/n 59506180" pumps aren't available any more...