This is how I voted today

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Well, I'm not ashamed to say I voted for hurrumph.
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Financial markets special opening today at 01:00 , if its hung parliament **** will start hitting fan around 03:00, watch this space.
Arthur Negas has held Bristol - but that's just a rumour ;)
what? is it illegal to say who you voted for then or something?

I voted UKIP for our local ( because the rest of the local ones are useless.. ) and conservative in the general ( because lib dem and the rest had no chance and I'd rather not have labour back in so why waste a vote )
we had locals on the same day.. ( to save shutting the schools for 2 days and to save paying the list tickers twice i suppose.. cheap gits.. )
to save on disruption, why didn't they have it on monday when everything was shut anyway?
why didn't they have it on monday when everything was shut anyway?
Because councils dont do bank holidays? p***es me off when im driving to work on the tuesday and the **** on the radio is saying **** like "have you had a good 3 day weekend?" "**** OFF!!! Some of us WORK for a living!"
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