Sorry not sure what you mean by that. I simply mentioned the links between the EDL and paedophilia given that TR and his followers use paedophilia as a pretext to bash a specific minority group.
The Breast Plate of Righteousness is a term adopted by some writers to describe a veneer of respectability adopted by some to hide their own misdeeds, etc.
A veneer of respectability is used to create a persona so that others would dismiss any suggestion of impropriety by them, as unthinkable, because of their supposed respectability.
Taken to an extreme, Laud Humphreys was a priest and a practicing gay person in the 1950's in USA.
Men he had observed having anonymous sex in a public place often turned out to be ardent champions of law and order. Unable to control themselves in that part of their lives, they put on the defensive “breastplate,” redoubling their efforts elsewhere: “Motivated largely by his own awareness of the discreditable nature of his secret behavior,” wrote Humphreys in his dissertation, “the covert deviant develops a presentation of self that is respectable to a fault. His whole lifestyle becomes an incarnation of what is proper and orthodox.”