20.000.000 unempolyed, everyone with a trade in the £20.000 bracket
councilers are corrupted by contractors, job agencies living off the back of the working class. Goverment turns a blind eye to this corruption.
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they also dont want you to know the *real* reason for speed ramps and roadworks etc etc.

hold you up more. and when you waitin, your burnin fuel. you use more fuel=more money in their pockets in tax. and they dont care about pollution, aslong as they get an extra few quid
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20,000,000 unemployed. considering the population of the uk is 60,000,000, if you take out the increasing number of pensioners, children below working age, those in further education, disabled or unable to work, that leaves about 5 people in active employment then.
Thermo said:
20,000,000 unemployed. considering the population of the uk is 60,000,000, if you take out the increasing number of pensioners, children below working age, those in further education, disabled or unable to work, that leaves about 5 people in active employment then.

if you had up all the bad back gangs and all the deppresion gangs together this comes to 8,000,000 there,s nothing wrong with them and i cant blame them for being work shy why should they be slaves to the rich
paying them min wages
B.O.B DOLE said:
20.000.000 unempolyed, everyone with a trade in the £20.000 bracket
councilers are corrupted by contractors, job agencies living off the back of the working class. Goverment turns a blind eye to this corruption.
I agree totally with B.O.B what's going on with the government? Look how many were made redundant in Trumpton when they took it off the air!
This is why you never see the government advertising decaffinated coffee. They just want you to get addicted, so that they can carry on collecting VAT every time you need to buy some more. We have no choice, we are week because we're all addicted.
afaik coffee is zero rated vat? :D
On the other hand, why is beer so nice!!!
BOB, you should stop drinking OTTO's wonder fuel, it causes brain damage resulting in stupid delusions. Some people want us to think an asteroid is going to hit the earth on 29/9/05 for instance, mad eh?
Spark123 said:
afaik coffee is zero rated vat? :D
Ah, but that's just to lull you into a false sence of security. Once they've got us all hooked, they'll ban it. That way the government will be able to make an absolute fortune selling it on the black market.
Spark123 said:
On the other hand, why is beer so nice!!!
Because the government make it that way. It's a two pronged attack at getting more money out of us. On the one prong we pay through the nose for our beer (because it tastes nice), and the other prong is to keep us constantly p*ssed, so that we don't realise how much taxes we're paying.

Bob has a point here. 100% of everything that you earn, eventually gets back to the government. First you pay income tax on your earnings, then out of your nett you buy goods. These goods have taxes (in the form of duty, vat or other tax). The remainder goes to the supplier. The supplier, in due course uses their nett income to pay their suppliers and employees. These suppliers and employees have to pay tax to recieve the money and out of thier nett they pay their suppliers/employees etc.. Once the cash has been around the circle a few times, it has all gone. The government has got it all back. Pretty cleaver eh?

And there's no point trying to save it by putting it into a bank. Banks are just another part of the government. Since the population of the UK has risen dramatically over the past hundred years and the value of the pound has gradually gone down, it stands to reason that there are far more pounds around now than there were a hundred years ago. How does the government introduce more pounds into circulation? They just get the Royal mint to print it and then give it to the banks. That's why the banks give interest on savings accounts. It's the only way they can get rid of the excess cash that they have, and introduce it into circulation. ;)
Spark123 said:
afaik coffee is zero rated vat? :D
On the other hand, why is beer so nice!!!
We drink foreign beer foreign water in bottles french owned british gas french owned AA cover on our peugeots and 2cv`s the UK govt.`s got to make some money out of us " nation of shopkeepers" pah- :LOL: nation of dickheads :LOL:
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