This looks set to escalate.

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Looks like Iran could be the next Middle Eastern country to be "Liberated" Lol.
Lindsey Graham the Republican loony tune, wants America to bomb Irans oil fields.
What will that do to global oil prices?.
AFAIK, America always had fiscal surplus until they got involved in Vietnam, ever since then it has had a deficit, this deficit is now at a record.
Where do they get the money to pay for all these wars.
Looks like Iran could be the next Middle Eastern country to be "Liberated" Lol.
Lindsey Graham the Republican loony tune, wants America to bomb Irans oil fields.
What will that do to global oil prices?.
AFAIK, America always had fiscal surplus until they got involved in Vietnam, ever since then it has had a deficit, this deficit is now at a record.
Where do they get the money to pay for all these wars.
US likes oil.
US is friendly with Israel
Gaza has oil
Israel wants Gaza

I wonder how that will pan out, once the pesky inhabitants have been cleared away.
America is now one the worlds top oil producers.
If Iran gets topped and its oil fields destroyed, if this makes the global price of oil soar, then the biggest beneficiaries will be the likes of America and Russia.
The biggest losers will the ordinary punter who has to pay for oil.
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If Iran gets topped and its oil fields destroyed, if this makes the global price of oil soar, then the biggest beneficiaries will be the likes of America and Russia.

And whoever has managed to get their hands on Gaza.

Israel has prevented the Palestinians from developing the oilfield.

Israel was one of the first countries to use Rwanda as a dumping ground for people it didn't want.
Israel says it supports a 2 state solution, however that doesn't mean that any Palestinian state has to be in Palestine.
Damned clever these Israelis.
Obviously, if you are a person who considers that Palestians are subhuman animals who have no rights and their country does not exist, you will be a person who has no qualms in stealing their land and their oil.
What about poor Liz, who didn't have to "update" her Ph.D or recall her research papers to clarify work was not hers.

But she's a white woman.. who also had to resign, because of her poor show standing up for the oppression of jewish people.
Who's Liz?
What oppression are the woman under ref that despotic regime

What rights have they got

Equality with all the blokes in the demo ??
How does it compare to the rape and murder of women by UK police?
Or the sexual abuse of women by police in UK?
Or the shooting of women in USA, excused by some "unanounced arrival" called "no-knock warrant" which means blind shooting through people's front door?
How many people are targeted and killed by Iranian terrorists every day i wonder.

This is where someone should pipe up and say back to Iran 'live by the sword....'

How many people are targeted and killed by American/Israeli terrorists every day i wonder.

This is where someone should pipe up and say back to USA/Israel 'live by the sword....'
US have denied any involvement and they say have no reason to believe Israel were involved.
They would say that, wouldn't they?
Christine Keeler.

Mossad don't usually claim responsibility if they were involved anyway.
There have been multiple attacks carried out by Israel on other states, but Israel can never claim responsibility because it would be a declaration of war.

Been similar attacks by IS in the past.
Don't be silly, sillyboy.
You and others have claimed that Iran funds and supports ISIS, yet you think ISIS would attack Iranians in Iran? :rolleyes:
That perfectly indicates your logical gymnastics. :rolleyes:
There is never a best time. But if your going to do I suppose when they are in their beds , Or at the playground when they least expect it.
Even in their hospital beds, or in the refugee camps. :rolleyes:
Or destroy the building to bury them in the rubble at the same time. :rolleyes:
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