This looks set to escalate.

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In their defence JohnD they were pretty riled after being attacked in all directions including raping kidnapping and beheading on a large scale, what would you do? Id want to erase them also if that happened to my people. However no it's not the answer for either side before you start, both sides have so much hatred the extreme and political mainstream on both sides seem convinced genocide is the only answer. (Hamas im sorry its more about funding from other factions to create political instability thus affecting the Western allie etc also etc). So many complex games going on, prominently caused by idiot Testosterone charged men and religion.
The conflict did start on 7 October. It started in 1948 when the Israelis evicted about 700,000 Palestinians from Jaffa.
There was no UN resolution that allowed nor enabled them to do that.

During the 1948 Palestine war in which the State of Israel was established, around 700,000[fn 1] Palestinian Arabs or 85% of the total population of the territory Israel captured fled or were expelled from their homes by Israeli forces.

The mass emforced eviction of Palestiinians started in 1948
The Arab view is that the Palestinians were expelled by Zionist forces and that the exodus of 1948 was the fulfillment of a long-held Zionist dream to ethnically cleanse Palestine so that the land could the transformed into a Jewish-majority state

There's been disinformation from the Israelis ever since.

According to Zionist historians, the Arabs in Palestine were asked to stay and live as citizens in the Jewish state.

That's less credible than motorbiking's helicoptors. :rolleyes:

It wasn't the only expulsion of Arabs by the Israeli's:
The 1948 Palestinian expulsion from Lydda and Ramle, also known as the Lydda Death March,[1][2] was the expulsion of 50,000 to 70,000[3] Palestinian Arabs when Israeli troops captured the towns in July that year

The poor destitute Arabs voluntarily leaving Ramle, escorted by gun-toting men in army fatigues. :rolleyes:

The evictions have continued throughout the decades since 1948.
And now you've resorted to presenting an image of a different story, in a vain attempt to reclaim your credibility. :rolleyes:

So not only making fales claims previously, you're now presenting fake evidence to support your lies.

Just how low are you prepared to sink?
I didn't think anyone would go that low. :rolleyes:
Claiming they don't have helicopters when they clearly do. I dunno, but you keep digging.

I'm fairly certain the 1200 people murdered on 7th October were not responsible for anything that went on in 1948.
Haters who slaughter more than a hundred journalists, and more than 20 thousand others crammed into a ghetto surrounded by concrete walls and armed guards.

Oh no.

That doesn't worry you.

What you don't like is people who criticise racism and oppression.
I don't hear your outrage at the case of Abdulaziz Ali al-Aswad - kidnapped at age 13, tortured so badly he was paralysed and eventually publicly executed by firing squad - published on YouTube. He was unable to stand and was laid face down, while the executioner slowly shot him in the back until he was dead, having watched 8 others executed in the same way. This paralysed child who had been captive and tortured by Houthi's for 3 years was convicted of coordinating air strikes on a Houthi convoy. it doesn't involve jews, so maybe you don't care.
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I don't hear your outrage at ....

Ooh, whataboutery from motorbiking.

Who could have seen that coming?

Are you expecting someone to say "yes, the existence of other violence is a valid excuse?"
every single post of yours is whataboutery. This thread is about the escalation in the Red Sea, but you make it about jews..

Yet you vote Tory and complain about whataboutery.

Sorry mate you have no leg to stand on.

Boats, some more boats please, we really need more boats.
I don’t open links ect

You explain it ??

The link is of a devout Jew explaining why he does not approve of Israel's actions in Palestine.

There are lots of Jewish people who disapprove of Israels actions in Palestine. Bring Jewish does not mean you have to slaughter Palestinisns.

People like Motorbiking would have you believe that anyone who disapproves of war-crimes is anti-jewish.

He is lying. If he sincerely believed it, it could only be because he thought that "war crimes" and "jews" are synonymous.
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