Well, we say "looking far out into the galaxy is like looking back through time", because the light has taken so long to reach us. Yes, it does show us what things were like billions of years ago, because that was when the light set out. If there were a mirror, a billion light years away then we would be able to see what the earth was like back when it was a lump of molten rock.
But the fact is, we are just experiencing a delay due to the finite speed of light.
If you make an international phonecall you might get a second or two delay on the phoneline. You wouldn't think that you had time-travelled by a second or two because of this would you?
but if i traveled in a space rocket towards this star at say 1.000.000 miles an hour from what i see in the rocket might be a few seconds before you see it on earth so in other words from where you see the light and i have traveled a in time
Yes, you would see it before us. But you wouldn't be able to
tell us about it until we had seen it as well... any signal you send out would take at least as long to get to us as the light from the star would. And that is important.
There are various ways you can fudge things to make things move faster than light, but currently it is not possible to send
information faster than light (apart from with quantum barriers... quite possibly, but it is heavily disputed in the scientific community. And is only over very short distances anyway.)