[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daylight_saving]LINK[/url] said:
Starting March 11, 2007, daylight saving time will be extended another four to five weeks, from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November. The change was introduced by the Energy Policy Act of 2005; the House had originally approved a motion that would have extended DST even further from the first Sunday in March to the last Sunday in November. Proponents claimed that the extension would save "the equivalent of" 10,000 barrels of oil per day, but this figure was based on U.S. Department of Energy information from the 1970s, the accuracy and relevance of which the DoE no longer stands by. There is very little recent research on what the actual positive effects, if any, might be.
The extension was greeted with criticism by the airline industry and those concerned for the safety of children traveling to school in the dark before the late sunrise. If the original proposal to extend daylight saving time through the last Sunday in November had been adopted, the entire United States with the exception of the states that exempted themselves, would have experienced the latest sunrises of the year during the month of November.
An additional issue raised by this extension is that it may require the reconfiguration of some computers. Many computers are programmed to adjust automatically for DST, but do so based on static tables stored directly on the computer itself. In order to change the dates and times at which the automatic jump to or from DST occurs, these tables must be modified, or the user must manually specify that the computer's clock should operate in Daylight Saving Time mode. One potential issue related to this (though difficult to quantify) is the amount of labor and money that may be spent correcting errors that arise due to a failure to update computers. Certain types of information systems (those that schedule future events with reference to UTC, for example) may encounter problems arising from a lack of synchronization unless both computers and databases are carefully updated.