And reading down some of the comments from that guardian link..
It's not racist but it's stupid because there are plenty of red-faced, ranting aged white men who aren't xenophobic, racist UKIP supporters; Dennis Skinner, Ken Clarke, John McDonnell etc. You could easily slot their photos into that picture grid of 'gammons' often posted on social media and the politically unaware would barely notice.
And that's the issue with it - if we're not careful we'll end up with anyone of a certain age with a ruddy complexion having his views dismissed out of hand because he is deemed a gammon. That's no different to dismissing someone's opinion because they are male, female, young, gay, black, religious or whatever - it doesn't make for reasoned and intelligent debate.
Finally, I keep hearing the argument from those using the term liberally that their targets are more than happy to prejudge people based on their appearance. This is true but just because they are biased, over-judgemental ****s doesn't mean you have to lower yourselves to their level."
Exactly that, its fair game you wanna gammon fine, as long as you can chuck other slang and perjoratives in there also, just keep your sensitive little flag tucked in your back pocket along with your white hanky