And a few years down the line it turns out that it wasn't him at all. Remember Stefan Kisko anybody?
The ol bill fitted him up plain and simple..none were taken to task over it, probably all allowed to retire or threw a sickie..
As for Tobin..he is still technically innocent, I love all these cranks who run up the road booting police vans when they bring someone to court..they have not even been convicted!
The rent a mob brigade (chavs are us)
When they are convicted however I hope they get everything coming to them inside..not killed though, scared for life is far better, they have to look at that face every morning in the shaving mirror.
But one thing that makes me laugh about that...the irony, the rule is you 'do' a peado or a question.
But these self appointed maimers/executioners have forgetten that they are in there for, sticking shot guns up womens noses on bank raids, scaring the living daylights out of people with knifes while mugging them, rape, kidnapping women and threatening to pour petrol over them unless they hand over the keys to the jewelery shops they are working in...
And they feel justified in 'doing' a nonce..
Well id like to 'do' the piece of filth who, along with his mates hid in a cupboard until payday at my aunts factory, coshed the ol boy who did a bit of tidying up there, run into my aunts office and told everyone to lay on the floor (helping my aunt down by draging her off her chair by her hair) then grabbed the wages.
My aunt was off work for nearly a year.
Nice people eh...salt of the earth....proper villians see...they 'only ever hurt their own'....