Toilet and soil pipe confusion...

As an alternative to the swan neck pan connector you could try a long 90° Flexi. that would give you a bit of wiggle room and be less restrictive than the swan neck one.

When I bought this pan connector I'm certain it said it could be used horizontally, but I just called Mcalpine and they said in the catalogue it says vertical only! Frustrating, although I guess with that bend it makes sense.

Do you think a Flexi will work here? As you can see from the photo it needs to bend around and come back on itself to meet the hole in the wall, which is why the one I liked to above seemed perfect. Ok and I just called Mcalpine again and they say their 90 degree Flexi needs to be used vertically as well!

I had such toilet issues before I want to make sure I don't have them again!

Any help appreciated
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Hmm. The term 'sh#t out of luck' could sum up your current situation. Is there room back there for a standard pan connector ((you'd have to fit it then slide the bog onto it), then from pan connector to pipe one of those swivelling adjustable bends (i've used one in a similar problem, you can get about 30mm offset with them iirc). Failing that you're into a flexi from std pan connector to soil or a pair of 135s to give you as much offset as you need.
Whichever, you'll end up assembling the waste first & ramming the bog onto it. Have fun :)
Oh yeah, the nice neat hole you cored through the wall? Bet you need to expand it to make room for the flange on the elbow (flange on a sunny Friday morning, does life get any better :) )
Half an hour with a lump hammer and chisel and you could extend the hole through the wall over a couple of inches and get away with a standard right angle pan connector.
Yeah there's that, if the stack isn't going to be in the way (no sign of it in the pics)
Isn't that the base of the stack sealed with tape just off to the side. May be the angle of the photo but it doesn't look to be in line with the hole through the wall.
I spoke to Mcalpine technical staff, he confirmed the space saving pan connector can't be used horizontally because of the 'question mark' shape.

But he said it should be ok to use this or this

They are Flexis, but it may be my easiest option? He said the jubilee clip one can be cut in various places to make it shorter where it connects to the pan

I am not at the house now, but need to check what will actually fit behind the toilet and allow the cistern to be flush up against the wall
Isn't that the base of the stack sealed with tape just off to the side. May be the angle of the photo but it doesn't look to be in line with the hole through the wall.
Yeah the soil pipe from the toilet will have to go sideways and down to reach the stack. That's how it was before. Otherwise it would go directly over my kitchen window!

Well I just got an email back from Mcalpine as I emailed them first and then decided to call!

It says the space saving one can be sued horizontally!

They don't seem very clear on the issue :)
That space saver looks like an invitation for a blockage. There will almost certainly be room behind the loo for std connector, move the hole in the wall & you'vegot a nice easy smooth run, v unlikely to block
That space saver looks like an invitation for a blockage. There will almost certainly be room behind the loo for std connector, move the hole in the wall & you'vegot a nice easy smooth run, v unlikely to block

Yes I just went to my local shop who are very helpful. They said just use this one

I dont know why I didnt buy that in the first place, its less than half the price of the space saving one. It might fit without having to widen the hole in the wall, but we'll see. At least its less likely to block!
I emailed Mcalpine back to say the person on the phone said it can't be used vertically but by email he said it could be, what was the answer? He sent back this very confusing and weird sentence :) Made me laugh

''Whilst we do not specifically state that the WC-CONQ should be fitted vertically we would recommend that you accept that in your particular case you regard it as a product which can only be fitted vertically.''

Sounds like a politician!
Yes I just went to my local shop who are very helpful. They said just use this one

I dont know why I didnt buy that in the first place, its less than half the price of the space saving one. It might fit without having to widen the hole in the wall, but we'll see. At least its less likely to block!
You might get lucky, be careful if you end up with it entering the pipe (thru the wall) at a jaunty angle- it might seal & it might not. Right now it'll be fairly easy (unless there's something annoying like a stud or cables in the way) to move that pipe, far more difficult in a year or 2 (when its all tiled, boxed in etc etc)
You might get lucky, be careful if you end up with it entering the pipe (thru the wall) at a jaunty angle- it might seal & it might not. Right now it'll be fairly easy (unless there's something annoying like a stud or cables in the way) to move that pipe, far more difficult in a year or 2 (when its all tiled, boxed in etc etc)

Yeah I'll offer it up and see. I did have to chip out a bit at an earlier stage and it wasn't easy with chisel and hammer. It's a brick wall, two layers of bricks! But it might have to be done

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