markie said:
Bulls##t if they break the law, they know if they get caught they will go to prison, it's up to them, Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, simple as.
Like I said - it's very easy for the hang-em-and-flog-em brigade to sound off about this, and to ignore the fact that according to
the law, people are sent to prison
as punishment, not
for punishment.
Prison's in England do not have religious beliefs so people who think about breaking the law should sit down and say to themselfs if i go to prison, will it have this and will it have that.( in fact they should not even be thinking about breaking the law, it's not big and it's not clever, ).
So you think that everyone in prison is there because they made a conscious and rational decision do you?
That none of them are there because of a temporary error of judgement or emotional excess?
That none of them are there because of learning difficulties, or personality disorders?
I note, BTW, that your attitude to being law-abiding did not prevent you from employing an electrician to carry out notifiable work for cash-in-hand, and not provide the proper paperwork. If you didn't think it was big or clever of him to evade income tax and VAT and to contravene the Building Regulations, why did you collude with him?
Every one who gets put in prison should abide by the prison rules, there should be no bending of rules for certain cultures.
Please tell me then, whether you think that prisoners should be treated with
any respect or dignity, and if so where you would draw the line, and why, and on what basis you would decide to be disrespectful to them.
I would like my/your' tax'es spent in a better way ...
I'd like my taxes to be spent in a way that was most effective, and for the prisons to turn out reformed people, not ones with an increased grudge.