many professional workers earn more in EU than UK
food banks or no food banks
Is that why most consultants, accountants, engineers, solicitors and nurses are immigrants?
Why are they here?
The weather is bad, workers conditions are bad, wages are lower than other EU countries and food cost more.
Why? Why? Why are they staying here???
Maybe you should look at the NET income instead of the gross.
I know doctors in EU countries who earn more than doctors in UK (gross).
Once you apply tax and other deductions they end up with far less.
Again, I personally know many professionals who despite criticising the UK at every opportunity, don't leave.
And they have enough money to go elsewhere and continue their profession.
Better for the environment to import from Spain, than to grow in a greenhouse in Kent (or elsewhere in the UK), a the carbon footprint is far lower. Another advantage of the single market.
Don't know about that.
If you ask mr khant, he'll tell you that hgvs burning diesel are the worst thing for the environment.
Greenhouses are run on natural gas if I'm not mistaken.
Do we follow the latest trend in climate boll@x or it depends on whether it suits the argument?