Tragic M5 RTA

We should be dissuading HGVs from using our roads, and the EU should be looking at reducing their sizes instead of increasing as they have previously done.
Hmm makes no sense at all. Fuel costs go up as less goods can be carried in one LGV. You'll need more LGV's on the road to deliver the same amount of goods. Increased income for the government through road tax and fuel duty. Increased prices in shops etc.
You just ain't thought it through Loo. ;) ;)
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But there are also a whole host of benefits to. We would not have to keep re-inforcing bridges, resurfacing roads, damage to property close to roads were these vehicles go through vibration etc, less damage when involved in major accidents, congestion caused when they take the wrong turn and become 'trapped' on minor roads ............
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I was driving the M62 on Friday night, it was bouncing down and water was forming puddles in the overtaking lane. and yet loons were still flying along... Literally when they hit the puddles... Also had a Range Rover with blacked out glass pull straight out on me at a junction (I braked and avoided a collision), I doubt that he did it on purpose but I also doubt that he could even see me..... So If a truck had been behind me, what then? The Range Rover driver would have been gone, I doubt that I would have been hit but there could well have been an incident involving a truck as he jackknifed...
Apart from biodegradables, is there any need for the rush of delivery of so many goods and products? I'm sure that utilising railway freight or indeed (don't laugh!!) canals once again, motorway usage could be reduced significantly. Also, given technology, is there so much need for people to work in an office instead of at home?

Other than actual classroom teaching, about a third of my daily interactions with colleagues is via telephone or email.
Apart from biodegradables, is there any need for the rush of delivery of so many goods and products? I'm sure that utilising railway freight or indeed (don't laugh!!) canals once again, motorway usage could be reduced significantly. Also, given technology, is there so much need for people to work in an office instead of at home?
Spot on! As I said with investment in infrastructure there are many alternatives. What is wrong with having seasonal veg again, we don't really need to fresh strawberries and the likes available 52 for 365 days of the year. Pre EU we could market 'Buy British'.
When the oil runs done it will sort itself out.
There will be no food to haul about for starters so no need for lorries.
Then the populations will decline.
I note the police are looking at the possibility that an organised bonfire event close to the crash scene may have been a contributory factor.

If that is the case than maybe such events will be banned from being held within a certain distance of major roads in the future, or with tightened procedures.

I would hope that is already the case in close proximity of airports.
When the oil runs done it will sort itself out.
There will be no food to haul about for starters so no need for lorries.
Then the populations will decline.
I love my children more than words can tell. But there are times when one cannot but reflect upon what sort of future they will have, and whether I should have loved them more by not having them in the first place :confused:

When I see or hear storiesof people having children by the droves, I cannot help but feel that we are doomed.
I wouldn't have had any kids if I knew what I know now. I tell that to my daughter too - and she's not having any. Those of us in this forum have lived in a golden age that no generation before or after will ever enjoy - the oil age. When it's over - it's over for ever. Sadly, it is nearly over. :cry:
Joe you are of course entitled to an opinion, and I assume that you are being serious. However, you do not actually know for certain what the future holds ....none of us do.
I am sure that your daughter has made an informed choice but I would hate for her to miss out on the absolute joy and pleasure of having children just because of fear of the future.
Life is uncertain from the moment that you wake every day.... this weekends accident confirms that, but mankind has survived all manner of catastrophes...the human spirit is resilient and will no doubt survive whatever.
You just cannot make life changing decisions based on the fact that bad things 'might' happen.
I wouldn't have had any kids if I knew what I know now. I tell that to my daughter too - and she's not having any. Those of us in this forum have lived in a golden age that no generation before or after will ever enjoy - the oil age. When it's over - it's over for ever. Sadly, it is nearly over. :cry:

Do you think for one second that the oil giants of today will meekly shut up shop in a decade or twos time? I don't.
They'll be making multi-billion dollar profits while we're all filling up with hydrogen. The technology works (and is even used in California right now), it's just there's not enough of a drive for the infrastructure (yet). There will be, once petrol becomes rare / expensive enough.
You will be driving past hydrogen filling stations in 20yrs time, still run by Shell, BP et al - there won't be any petrol or diesel in 'em though (though they probably still will sell sarnies at exhorbitant prices, and give sunglasses away free with a tankful) :)
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