Train fare dodger's changed his tune !

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Well we said let the law decide and it looks like it has decided on the "thugs" side then.
Dress it up all you like you liberals were incorrect again.
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Well we said let the law decide and it looks like it has decided on the "thugs" side then.
Dress it up all you like you liberals were incorrect again.
It's halfwitted halfbreeds like you that make up nancy liberal laws :rolleyes:
Awwww, your like all the rest and revert to name calling when your cause is lost xx
What you going to do when QPR beat your lot tomorrow :D :D

M8ts sold his ticket for this for £1000!!
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That's a racist statement if ever I heard one.
There you go, jumping to your conclusions again. Where precisely did I state anything racial or interracial? :rolleyes: There is more that one kind of animal with different breeds, of which Alarm is clearly a mixture.

You just can't help your racist views coming out, even though you are hell bent on trying to deny them to yourself, yet alone us.
You are the racist - your post proves it.
Your on a train Alarm and the inspector discovers you've not paid, do you.............

A - Get off the train
B - Remonstrate that you are entitled to free passage
C - Kick the living crap out of anyone who touches you "incorrectly".
D - Apologise immiediately and offer to pay for 2 seats (since your huge butt is spread over the best part off 2 seats)

Rather immaterial really as I would have paid before boarding.
My hugeass as you think is still more than capable of only needing one seat.
And it is not my problem you have issues with someone who took karate/ Tae Kwon Do and fitness seriously.

I suggest you go back to being the timid liberal wasters you are in real life :D
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