Travellers! Land grabbing ****

I know that the normal muslims(not the fanatical element) are very tolerant of others beliefs and culture, it is not in their nature to be offensive to others.
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kendor said

I'm getting the impression that you feel i'm making a personal attack on you, this is not the case i'm merely putting forward my views, so no bad feelings ok.

I didn't think that at all and have no problem with friendly debate. Just because we disagree on this doesn't mean we would on everything else. :LOL:

I also have no problem with another groups chosen lifestyle, except where it impinges on anothers.

Squatting and damaging property, fly-tipping and avoiding taxes. Whilst also claiming every available right from the welfare state, don't really set a very good example though do they?
A story as I heard it from a builder friend was that travellers were buying ag land worth 16K an acre offering a lot more and doing as they wished with it without constraints of PP. Apparently a judge had ruled they should be allowed this.

I do not know if this story is accurate, or whether my builder pal embellished the story out of hatred, but if it is, WE should club together and buy a plot and do as we wish with it, then when the LA come along citing laws, we plead discrimination. After all, if travellers have been given permission by a lawlord, then it should apply to us, too.
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Cannot do that mate --- 'tis our lot cowering behind the Euro rule that encampments should be provided for Romany type travellers - our councils have not done so - so this is the easy out, short term .. Judges etc giving allowances, 'til it is on their own doorstep !!
I am from the country .. If it were that easy i would not have moved into town when I did .. I'd have built a house on some cheapo farmland .. you just cannot do this .. but some will, just give 'em time !! ;)
david and julie said:
Squatting and damaging property, fly-tipping and avoiding taxes. Whilst also claiming every available right from the welfare state, don't really set a very good example though do they?
But my point is that these people are in the wrong but that doesn't mean all gypsies are the same and as stated before it seems the term gypsies applies to all travellers these days. let's distinguish between the real gypsies and the protesting anti social dole grabbing ones that don't want to do a day's work but feel we should support them.
I'm all for supporting those that are unable to do so themselves but am not happy having to support those that can't be bothered to work and i believe it is these types that cause the trouble as opposed to the real Romanies that are decent people that just live their lives differently to others but still stay within the law.
kendor said:
david and julie said:
Squatting and damaging property, fly-tipping and avoiding taxes. Whilst also claiming every available right from the welfare state, don't really set a very good example though do they?
But my point is that these people are in the wrong but that doesn't mean all gypsies are the same and as stated before it seems the term gypsies applies to all travellers these days. let's distinguish between the real gypsies and the protesting anti social dole grabbing ones that don't want to do a day's work but feel we should support them.
I'm all for supporting those that are unable to do so themselves but am not happy having to support those that can't be bothered to work and i believe it is these types that cause the trouble as opposed to the real Romanies that are decent people that just live their lives differently to others but still stay within the law.

As in life there are many 'factions' ... generally the people who take action, the activists, are known to disregard the law or the 'intent' of certain laws, from time to time...
I have no problem with law abiding people living their life ... but it doesn't always work does it ? If they can buy hitherto non development land and live on it --- there is something wrong with our system ... wealthy landowners would have devoured this land if it were normally possible under law --- we know and live within this system.
I have greater sympathy with farmers great or small whose own families are obstructed from building homes on their own, legally held, land.
Allowing the 'Gypsies' and they may not be proven as that under EU law, to ride roughshod over the intent of greenbelt law .. opens a can of worms .. rich developers may start / and even may be active, as we speak, in sponsoring the acquisition of such land via the EU Romany law which has intent to protect people, not make dosh !!
I do not believe the owners of expensive caravans, trailers and vehicles, who currently roam the land actually want to settle, by the looks of their possessions they could more than afford to settle in a house and join mainstream society .. the question is why do they not do so ?
I would hazard, again by the looks of their kit, they are doing nicely thank you very much .. with 'no fixed abode' they know there is little money or resources available to track them down in the event of misdemeanor .. and being human, to a certain extent, play on that to the limit !!
Whilst on the subject of a romany(or WHY) lifestyle what about these people.

How come the powers that be are able to move or charge one group but not another, despite the fact that people have lived this way for years?

Could it be that, like householders, in a boat, you can't really go far?
david and julie said:
Whilst on the subject of a romany(or WHY) lifestyle what about these people.

How come the powers that be are able to move or charge one group but not another, despite the fact that people have lived this way for years?

Could it be that, like householders, in a boat, you can't really go far?

I live less than a mile from that, on the southern end of the Cotswolds, a stone's throw from the Avon proper, thankfully several decades of feet above it !!
Actually thought about a long 'un for retirement, got one but not 'tother ! (retirement not long-boat !! )
When you really think about it .. not such a good idea ...
MMJanitor could find some work on the old K & A, I have no doubt anyone working on the long boats from this area is charging a fortune for their time !!
Can we find some eccentricities of various British cultures, preferably illegal in other EU countries, and get laws passed to allow us to practice our weirdness abroad? I'm going to have to think about this one! :LOL:
Lager conversion Society ?
I guess you know what length of 'shrift' you would recieve .. EU or no EU I'll bet most Euro-cops will look after their own first !! And why-ever not, thinking on their feet, and in the instance above.. with them !! ;)
Adam said.

Can we find some eccentricities of various British cultures, preferably illegal in other EU countries

Not sure about changing the law in Europe but how's this for pipme's retirement, very very nice.

Seriously though they make a nice and interesting holiday if you fancy something different. I have tried it a couple of times, most of the people are really nice. Just pick a route with plenty of pubs though!
Heck, why wait for retirement? A friend of mine was giving serious consideration to selling his house, taking the cash from its increased value and then spending a few years bumming about in a narrow boat.

I would love to do that, but I would have to be able to keep my job I think! Plenty of people work from home now, has anyone heard of working from a narrowboat? Could be done very satisfactorily, with a satellite broadband connection and a mobile phone.
I believe its a bit expensive over a mobile phone, however it is going to get better. Have a look at this site for more info.

If you were serious you will find out everything you needed to know on this forum. It looks a bit sparse because they have recently changed the server. I think it's the best one, but there are others.

The biggest problem is moorings, they are very hard to find. The people in the article are termed Continuous Cruisers, they don't have proper moorings and are not supposed to stay in one area. They have a different licence and are abusing the terms, this upsets the owners who do pay for legitimate moorings.

The problem is worse down south and there are long waiting lists. If you ever did fancy it, try and buy a boat that comes with a mooring.
Tell you what gents ... sell house buy the boat .. buy 2 bed house and rent as back-up, few quid in the rocket .. and chug chug chug ..
Anyone see / remember the tv 'play for today' when the three ex miners long boated to stratford on Avon "Shakespeare or Bust" ? One of a trilogy including "The fishing party" and "Three for the Fancy"
Starring Brian Glover (deceased), AKA Leon Arras wrestler in the 60's (Kent walton daze) Sometime teacher of English and French also a Shakespearian actor. Mr. Sugden, Games Teacher in Kes 1969
Tetley tea bags and various adverts !

phew ! wish I hadn't mentioned that lot now ! Bu99-er twas 1973, Oh ancient me-ee !!

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