Yeah, but on startrek they're doing warp nine....the engine "cannae take any more captain".
Einstein says you can't go any faster than the speed of light!!
If you were travelling faster than the speed of light would you be in darkness as the light would not be able to reach you?
The funny thing is even when two light beams are travelling towards each other at the speed of light, their speed relative to each other is still only the speed of light not 2 times lightspeed. Work that one out, I haven't a clue but I believe it's been verified somehow. Maybe spacecat can enlighten us.
this is all cobblers and they've all got it wrong..
time does not slow down, only observation of it does..
if you travel away from point A towards point B at half the speed of light and you're looking at point B, then time on point B seems to speed up because you're seeing the light from point B 1.5x faster than it would otherwise reach you if you were stationary at point A.
If you were looking at point A then time would seem to slow down since the light from it would be reaching you slower than it would if you were stationary..
we live in 4 dimensions and any more than that is purely theoretical and invented to explain the gaping holes in some of the more rediculous theories that these scientists come up with..
"this doesn't work in a 4 dimensional world, so we'll just invent another dimension and say that the bit that makes it work happens there.."