Trump Air Crash Press Conference

So... make something official sounding up; then change it when the truth is established? You're going with that?

Things have changed. That's what the elites don't realise. The West needs to wake up because the people aren't going to take it any more.
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According to R5L earlier, the military helicopter was flying by vision (night vision) rather than instruments.

ATC received confirmation that the helicopter pilot had seen the plane.
Given that it was an airport with plenty of civvie traffic in and out at the time, speculation is that the ATC and the helicopter pilot were talking about different planes......

That said, why would anyone think it was a good idea to pizz around doing non-essential military training, at night, on and around the flightpath of a busy civilian airport?

'Murca is big enough that the military have a huge area in which to play.
I can't keep it going. And I need to get some Minstrels from Morrisons.
That said, why would anyone think it was a good idea to pizz around doing non-essential military training, at night, on and around the flightpath of a busy civilian airport?
The role of the helicopter squadron concerned was to ferry vips around DC; and to maintain government continuity ie get the important people outta Dodge when it all kicks off. That's what they were practising.

Edit: BTW, anyone with a helicopter and an appropriate licence* can fly through central London low (ish) level day or night.

Daytime, a private pilot's licence (PPL will do. Night, PPL and a night rating is needed.
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Things have changed. That's what the elites don't realise. The West needs to wake up because the people aren't going to take it any more.
Thats how riots and stuff start, mis information.

Better to wait for full and thorough report
Thats how riots and stuff start, mis information.

Better to wait for full and thorough report
The poor victims' families will be bewildered then devastated then angry. All they want is the truth. All they have is Trump. You can't help but feel pity for them.
Apparently, the tower at the airport has been under staffed since 2023. 19 staff instead of 30! With controllers looking after both planes and helos when in normal circumstances they have a dedicated controller each.

Here is a good short video on what this Captain believes happened. Seems logical:

Do you not have enough respect for the dead to allow an investigation to take place before trying to score political points?

Who is scoring political points not Transam :cool:

Blimey do you need to talk to the Samaritans ?

Are you traumatised by a few words the fruit cake said ?

Are you shocked ?

Get a grip :giggle:

Respect ?

Are you going to play the race card ?

Jeez us wept
The role of the helicopter squadron concerned was to ferry vips around DC; and to maintain government continuity ie get the important people outta Dodge when it all kicks off. That's what they were practising

But, "if it all kicks off", doubtful that the skies will be full of civvie planes taking off as a bare minimum, don't you think?

Hell, if it kicks off that badly, I doubt the authorities would even let civvies land there : surely they'd be directed to other airports in the region?
Is this true.

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