Trump Finally Concedes the Election was not stolen

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Trump Statement.

In a statement, the former president said: “Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive election fraud in the 2020 presidential election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!

So all those who defended Trumps claims he's calling you stupid.
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Best double ( or maybe triple or more ) was the MIL telling her granddaughter " you don't get no nothing no more"
Just ignorant use of a double negative, as you well know.

He claimed he was a stable genius as you well know.

If he doesn't proof read before posting, well that's sloppy as you well know.
Conveniently true though. (y)

Filly, Hatejob, Andy etc were all foaming at the mouth supporting the wild lies about the election.

RWR Leaders know they can tell lies and then turn around when those lies are exposed, insult their followers for believing the lies and then carry on knowing they will believe the next set of lies.

The great irony being this lot are suffering from mental health problems which they mock in other people.

We are in a mental health epidemic.
Filly, Hatejob, Andy etc were all foaming at the mouth supporting the wild lies about the election.

RWR Leaders know they can tell lies and then turn around when those lies are exposed, insult their followers for believing the lies and then carry on knowing they will believe the next set of lies.

The great irony being this lot are suffering from mental health problems which they mock in other people.

We are in a mental health epidemic.

The Tory party are currently denying they had a party whilst also saying they followed the guidelines.

I’ve seen loads of Tory supporters making excuses…..screaming it’s “unsubstantiated sources” (as though the Mirror would publish something without proof).
The Tory party are currently denying they had a party whilst also saying they followed the guidelines.

I’ve seen loads of Tory supporters making excuses…..screaming it’s “unsubstantiated sources” (as though the Mirror would publish something without proof).

The problem with the defence that it's unsubstantiated sources is - quite simple, if there was no party there is no issue, but the moment they say all rules were complied with that implies there was a party, but as we all know parties were banned - but perhaps it was organised as a meeting that turned ahem into a party.
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