Trump state visit

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There have been eight or nine state visits to the UK in the past 7 years, from states with actual human rights issues and questionable practices, but it seems it was not quite trendy enough for the mob to be motivated enough for protests.

And yet when someone comes from a state with no such abuses, and is perhaps the UKs closest friend and ally, no such restaint.

This double standard hipocricy is most confusing.
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And yet when someone comes from a state with no such abuses, ....

This double standard hipocricy is most confusing.
But the threat of the introduction or re-introduction of Human Rights abuses such as torture, indiscriminate deportation, indiscriminate refusal of entry based on religion, not to mention his misogynistic attitude, is enough of a concern, with our "closest friend and ally" for us to not restrain from mentioning it.
Maybe the imminent need of friends post-Brexit means that we should refrain from upsetting those, especially our closest friends, who consider torture, or sexually assaulting women as acceptable. :rolleyes:
Hypocrisy? Confusing?

Also, some state visits are low key affairs and most people may be totally unaware of them. The impending Trump visit is highly publicised and most people are aware of it.
But many others are well attended by demonstrators.
But as a petition calling for Mr Trump not to meet the Queen during his visit passes one million signatures, here's a look at a few previous state visits that have been dogged by protests:

So yet again your comment is unsupportable and unfounded.
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I thought you were goading Woody over your stolen essay? Is this now it for you then, chase him around the board commenting and insulting him no matter what the topic?

In your own words: :rolleyes:
Actually, I was referring to his nonsensical claim that Malmo was the rape capital of the world. Including how easily his head was filling up with fake news. If you want to put any other spin on it, that is your right.
However it is not necessarily correct.
Talking of locked threads, you seem to be involved in them all.
Actually, I was referring to his nonsensical claim that Malmo was the rape capital of the world. Including how easily his head was filling up with fake news. If you want to put any other spin on it, that is your right.
However it is not necessarily correct.
Talking of locked threads, you seem to be involved in them all.
Only when you're here Himmy. When you were away hardly any threads got deleted.
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Talking of locked threads, you seem to be involved in them all.

Only when you're here Himmy.
But your previous comments seems to have disappeared. Why is that?
You blame me for this when you jump to the defence of any and all of those that I disagree with, however unsavoury their comments.

I can understand why, when you make all sorts of silly accusations that can be neither proven or disproved. Your are like woody, it floats your boat. Even your replication of woody's accusation is based purely on woody's opinion. You can have no proof to support your claim.
However, your opinion is of such little consequence, I am not, in the least, bothered by your silly comments.

However, I would make a comment, similar to doggit's comment. When someone makes an usupportable and unfounded accusation, any resulting 'spat' leaves both parties ending up not smelling of roses. It is of no consequence on my part because we are just imaginary characters in cyberspace.
I suspect it is important to woody due to his refusal to admit a mistake.
If woody refuses to retract his accusation, and is unable to provide evidence to support his accusation, it demonstrates his lack of substance and integrity.
I trust woody has learnt that lesson. I may continue to reinforce that lesson.
Evidently, you have not learnt that lesson. In your case I have no interest because I consider you to be inconsequential.
But your previous comments seems to have disappeared. Why is that?
You blame me for this when you jump to the defence of any and all of those that I disagree with, however unsavoury their comments.

I can understand why, when you make all sorts of silly accusations that can be neither proven or disproved. Your are like woody, it floats your boat. Even your replication of woody's accusation is based purely on woody's opinion. You can have no proof to support your claim.
However, your opinion is of such little consequence, I am not, in the least bothered by your silly comments.

However, I would make a comment, similar to doggit's comment. When someone makes an usupportable and unfounded accusation, any resulting 'spat' leaves both parties ending up not smelling of roses. It is of no consequence on my part because we are just imaginary characters in cyberspace.
I suspect it is important to woody due to his refusal to admit a mistake.
If woody refuses to retract his accusation, and is unable to provide evidence to support his accusation, it demonstrates his lack of substance and integrity.
I trust woody has learnt that lesson. I may continue to reinforce that lesson.
Evidently, you have not learnt that lesson. In your case I have no interest because I consider you to be inconsequential.
'Woody has learned his lesson', you sound like a right tosser. Who do you think you are?
You've admitted you are trolling, 'goading' Woody'. You once wrote that goading people was trolling behaviour. Another double standards moment from Himmy.

Amusing, if my opinion doesn't bother you, why do you always reply?
'Woody has learned his lesson', .... Who do you think you are?
The injured party.

You've admitted you are trolling, 'goading' Woody'.
Goading, motivating, is not commensurate with trolling. You may not realise that. Consider yourself educated.

You once wrote that goading people was trolling behaviour. Another double standards moment from Himmy.
I did? Is this another of your silly comments?

Amusing, if my opinion doesn't bother you, why do you always reply?
I do not. You may not have noticed. You are putting great importance on my comments. Why? I suspect there is some sort of simmering anger causing you to malign me. Maybe something to do with mistaken identity?

As I said your self-imposed and predisposed attitude to me causes me to consider your comments of little consequence. Maybe there is a lesson in there for you.
Goading, motivating, is not commensurate with trolling. You may not realise that. Consider yourself educated.

provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction.

Sounds troll like to me. Consider yourself educated.

The injured party.

Goading, motivating, is not commensurate with trolling. You may not realise that. Consider yourself educated.

I did? Is this another of your silly comments?

I do not. You may not have noticed. You are putting great importance on my comments. Why? I suspect there is some sort of simmering anger causing you to malign me. Maybe something to do with mistaken identity?

As I said your self-imposed and predisposed attitude to me causes me to consider your comments of little consequence. Maybe there is a lesson in there for you.
Go get that mirror out again Himmy and have a good look at yourself. You may just finally see what we see... and it isn't pretty.
provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate an action or reaction.

Sounds troll like to me. Consider yourself educated.
Also known as motivating!

Go get that mirror out again Himmy and have a good look at yourself. You may just finally see what we see... and it isn't pretty.
Intelligent reasoning deserted you again?
Ha ha ha ha, stop it Himmy, you're killing me!
Go get that mirror out again Himmy and have a good look at yourself. You may just ... see what we see... and it isn't pretty.
Your comments are genuinely funny.
When I look in the mirror I see me. When you look in the mirror, you see you. Had you not worked that out? If your reflection is not pretty, it is not my fault.
Your comments are genuinely funny.
When I look in the mirror I see me. When you look in the mirror, you see you. Had you not worked that out? If your reflection is not pretty, it is not my fault.
You are a psychiatrist's wet dream.
Blighty, you've really got to stop getting sucked in to the drama. As an outside observer, Woody enjoys baiting Wannabee, and the responses he gets, are water off a ducks back, but I can see you getting riled, which is what he wants. Back off, and put him on manual ignore; you're never going to get him to change his viewpoint, either because he doesn't want to, orrrrrrrrr, just something else. Life gets much easier when you don't respond believe me.
... As an outside observer, Woody enjoys baiting Wannabee, and the responses he gets, ...
That might be true, however woody's original unsupportable, unproved and unfounded accusation was not against me under this nom de guerre.
So any other explanations?
Perhaps he just seeks to appear knowledgeable, even about subjects that he has insufficient knowledge, by his own admission.
His most recent comment about public protest about state visits, and his claim that Malmo is the rape capital of the world proves his distorted view of reality.
There have been eight or nine state visits to the UK in the past 7 years, from states with actual human rights issues and questionable practices, but it seems it was not quite trendy enough for the mob to be motivated enough for protests.

And yet when someone comes from a state with no such abuses, and is perhaps the UKs closest friend and ally, no such restaint.

This double standard hipocricy is most confusing.
When Donald Trump was elected, there were plenty of world wide protests by women. Apparently protesting at his treatment of women... How many protests by women have we seen in the last twenty or so years about the horrible, oppressive, treatment of women, done in the name of religion?
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