Talking of locked threads, you seem to be involved in them all.
Only when you're here Himmy.
But your previous comments seems to have disappeared. Why is that?
You blame me for this when you jump to the defence of any and all of those that I disagree with, however unsavoury their comments.
I can understand why, when you make all sorts of silly accusations that can be neither proven or disproved. Your are like woody, it floats your boat. Even your replication of woody's accusation is based purely on woody's opinion. You can have no proof to support your claim.
However, your opinion is of such little consequence, I am not, in the least, bothered by your silly comments.
However, I would make a comment, similar to doggit's comment. When someone makes an usupportable and unfounded accusation, any resulting 'spat' leaves both parties ending up not smelling of roses. It is of no consequence on my part because we are just imaginary characters in cyberspace.
I suspect it is important to woody due to his refusal to admit a mistake.
If woody refuses to retract his accusation, and is unable to provide evidence to support his accusation, it demonstrates his lack of substance and integrity.
I trust woody has learnt that lesson. I may continue to reinforce that lesson.
Evidently, you have not learnt that lesson. In your case I have no interest because I consider you to be inconsequential.