Two tier moderating.

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sec 17 defines race - Israelis are a race

sec 18 defines the offence

So by someone acknowledging they were aware it might be insulting, it would negate this defence?

(5) A person who is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred is not guilty of an offence under this section if he did not intend his words or behaviour, or the written material, to be, and was not aware that it might be, threatening, abusive or insulting.
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JohnD said:
Try to find someone who can read, and ask them to look for a paragraph headed "meaning of "race.""
I think it's defined in section 17 in the link MBK provided.
No, it is not.

If says what can be treated as racial hatred.

It says A, B, C or D.

Note the presence of the word "or"

It does not say that B is D or that C is A.

It does not define race.
So by someone acknowledging they were aware it might be insulting, it would negate this defence?
In the context of this thread.. it was very clearly intended to stir hatred towards Isrealis. He potentially thought (perhaps like the creator and JohnD) that using the term Israelis instead of Jews, gave him protection. Sadly sec 17 says otherwise..

JohnD will be along to say "no it doesn't" shortly.

Is there a satire defence?
see sec 20, does it apply... not so much.
why did you feel the need to post it?

I thought you were against racism.
I thought you were against racism.

That's an interesting point.

Suppose a person opposed to racism and genocide criticised a nation for practicing racism and genocide.

Is he speaking in favour of ravism snd genocide? Or against it?

Obviously, against.

What sort of tw@ would suggest that by speaking out, he was supporting racism and genocide?
Again you prove my point perfectly.

As a British citizen, am I to blame for the policies of the Labour government?
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