The bloke is just trolling and posting up theoretic nonsense to excite the trolls.
On both counts a reminder that we are talking about UFOs so given that then everything must be considered for discussionThe UFO trolls on DIYnot having a rational thought, seems to be impossible.
No. Many sighting from going back hundreds of years....
Why have you started calling noseall Jimmy? It seems a bit random!
Well if he is using "boyo" which actually comes across as passive aggressive then from now in its going to be Jimmy for him.Thats his name...
Today's technology, partially. The raptor example is a good demonstration of why chemical propulsion is a dead end. But when you talk about Pulsed fusion drives, which have a similar or worse Thrust per Ton to Hall Effect thrusters, then that's not todays technology, that's a century or more out.You're applying today's tech to the problem. Nobody serious is suggesting, we can do any of this today, with the right funding. You're also assuming the vessel will start and end as one.
Well if he is using "boyo" which actually comes across as passive aggressive then from now in its going to be Jimmy for him.
Yes.So you know for a fact that life does not exist on the sun at the moment?
Sending a piece of equipment and sending human beings are obviously two very different propositions. A high risk, three year trip is not very appealing. Plus we'd have to somehow feed and water them. And the costs involved will be astronomical.make your mind up.
So how did you come to this conclusion?Yes.
for space exploration in FORTY ISH years time and a few trillion dollars to waste, maybe humans can find the will to put a flag on the MOON. I have my doubts.
Beyond that - not in your wildest dreams.
So you say a man can put up a flag on Mars then in the same breath you say not in your wildest dreams. I would saty this is the ramblings of a fool.Sending a piece of equipment and sending human beings are obviously two very different propositions. A high risk, three year trip is not very appealing. Plus we'd have to somehow feed and water them. and the costs involved will be astronomical.
I have made my mind up - and yes it's a pipe dream drummed by Musk, perpetuated and repeated by Trump and swallowed hook line and sinker by the gullible horn-smokers. If there is still an appetite for space exploration in four years time and a few trillion dollars to waste, maybe humans can find the will to put a flag on Mars. I have my doubts.
Beyond that - not in your wildest dreams.
OMG can you imagine how the world would be if we relied upon noseall. ~We would all still be living in caves and the wheel would still be in the making.You would have said that ^^^ in 1925?
So when the flag is on Mars, what next?
Sorry for altering a quote.
The wheel?? It will never catch onOMG can you imagine how the world would be if we relied upon noseall. ~We would all still be living in caves and the wheel would still be in the making.
can't be done. impossibleThe wheel?? It will never catch on