UFOs seen travelling at twice the speed of an aircraft

I saw this article last week and as i started reading i thought that they has mistakenly spotted the paper lanterns as i saw some of these last summer and wondered what they were (i even stopped to tell to two policemen who had stopped and got out of their patrol car looking skwards curiously) but when i read that people said they were mvoving twice as fast as an aeroplane i thought it couldn't be the same thing. How did people think they were moving at such high speed?
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The south of England has subsidised the north since the industrial revolution, and still does today to the tune of billions of pounds a year! The midlands has largely been self reliant and contributed roughly what it takes from the goverment coffers while the North has cost the goverment a fortune in social security payments and investment. Council tax payments from the south help pay for services in the north. Unemployment, disability payments, and other benefits from the north are what drag this country down.
Evidence please. Or else you'll just be tarred as just another southern bullsh*tter.
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