UK inflation 80% caused by brexit

I see Notch and nosey are in thrall to Himmy since it changed it's name to minge eater.
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Anybody with a brain can work out:

1) if you put massive trade barriers between yourself and your biggest trade partner….stuff will cost more.
If you can find any evidence otherwise, go ahead.

2) if you remove workers who pick fruit and veg and it rots in the fields….prices go up.

You lose
bye bye
Fillyboy has no answers.

like all brexers his arguments fall apart at the slightest scrutiny.
Fillyboy has no answers.

like all brexers his arguments fall apart at the slightest scrutiny.

Eh?, no answers?, it's you, nosy and minge eater who haven't been able to come up with evidence that EU food inflation is lower than the UK and asparagus didn't cost tuppence two years ago. That's hardly 'scutiny' Notch, it's just ******.
Eh?, no answers?, it's you, nosy and minge eater who haven't been able to come up with evidence that EU food inflation is lower than the UK and asparagus didn't cost tuppence two years ago. That's hardly 'scutiny' Notch, it's just ******.
here is your evidence:

1) UK imports 30% of its food from EU

2) Brexit has put massive trade barriers on importing goods

3) Brexit has meant massive shortages of workers in agriculture

4) Brexit has massively increased haulage costs

5)Brexit has massively increased transit times due to the massive Brexit delays

All of the above INCREASE prices, the evidence proves it

food inflation in EU has got FA to do with anything, we are talking about direct impact of brexit on costs.

you Lose
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Nope. Still not seeing it in my special Brexit-free Hornchurch branch of Sainsbury's. Do you think they’ve not been told yet?
Please can you provide a list of all the prices of the items that Sainsburys sells.

I need a price before the Transition period ended and another one afterwards.

If You can’t provide them, then you will have to retract your dishonest lying claim prices haven’t gone up.
here is your evidence:

1) UK imports 30% of its food from EU

2) Brexit has put massive trade barriers on importing goods

3) Brexit has meant massive shortages of workers in agriculture

4) Brexit has massively increased haulage costs

5)Brexit has massively increased transit times due to the massive Brexit delays

All of the above INCREASE prices, the evidence proves it

food inflation in EU has got FA to do with anything, we are talking about direct impact of brexit on costs.

you Lose
Mottie can’t give any answer to this.
I've no idea why asparagus has become the new measure for affordable food as families who use food banks are more concerned with everyday items like bread and milk. I think Sainsburys and some supermarkets are opening shops with affordable items that are close to or on their sell-by date at cut-prices. Measures are being put in place for people struggling to get by and somehow they'll survive, i guess.
All a part of Cameron's Big Society, where Little People have to eat the leftover's after Fat Cat's have scoffed the good stuff.
Twelve years of this and still no end in sight.
Fruit, veg and meat have all gone up in price (more than 15% in 2 years), most of the 3 for 2 or BOGOFF offers have disappeared, but the worst for me is that because I am lactose intolerant and I have to use lactose free milk I am now paying a hefty 50% over what was the general price 2 years ago, c. £1.25 to £1.85 (or more).
Have you tried Home Bargains?
But now we have a labour shortage
We don't have a labour shortage, we pay millions of our own people not to work.
A reminder:
The present inflation we are suffering was caused entirely by the government creating extra money to pay for the covid fiasco, under the euphemism "quantitative easing".
Please can you provide a list of all the prices of the items that Sainsburys sells.

I need a price before the Transition period ended and another one afterwards.

If You can’t provide them, then you will have to retract your dishonest lying claim prices haven’t gone up.
I never said they hadn’t gone up. I said they hadn’t gone up or been unavailable because of Brexit. Still waiting for you to tell us what fresh fruit and vegetables you either have not been able to get or have suffered a massive price increase due to Brexit. I've asked seven times now yet still you swerve it. Why? Until then, your claim that you have not been able to get stuff is just baseless. Why won’t you answer such a simple question?
Mottie can’t give any answer to this.
It's not a question. You’re the one that made the statement that you have been unable to obtain fruit and veg because of Brexit yet you are unable to name one single item that you couldn’t get. Why is that?

Do you remember that other lie you told about me but refused to answer my question? You have form for making statements and avoiding answering when challenged. No doubt you’ll do it again. Let’s wait and see eh?
I said they hadn’t gone up or been unavailable because of Brexit
Where is your evidence?

here is mine:
The thinktank UK in a Changing Europe (UKICE) said trade barriers introduced after leaving the EU had led to a 6% increase in UK food prices between December 2019 and September 2021, adding to the rising financial pressure for households

Why? Until then, your claim that you have not been able to get stuff is just baseless. Why won’t you answer such a simple question

It’s a childish false question.
anecdotal evidence of one persons purchases proves nothing.

I never said I hadn’t been able to get stuff, I said brexit has resulted in rolling shortages….a fact confirmed by British retailers.
Why won’t you answer such a simple question
I am still waiting for you to provide evidence your supermarket hasn’t had shortages or price rises due to Brexit.

please provide the number of product outages for your Sainsburys store before and after Brexit.
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