Thanks Woody I plan to do that as I got totally confused by all the things they were saying (and I’ll be honest with you I got a bit emotional and teared up a bit too because it is all such a nonsense and it’s so stressful so that didn’t help!!) about routes to take and when councillors would get involved and we didn’t see the law amendment, he couldn’t find it because he wasn’t wearing his glasses. So I plan to ask him for all this in writing. Just such rubbish timing being right before Christmas as well.
Right then, I’m going to be quite harsh with you here but it’s for your own good and I really hope you listen, take it onboard and follow my advice. I am 100% on your side here and I’ll be the first to help you write a letter or send you £50 towards a solicitor.
In life you will encounter all sorts of people. Relevant to this story are the following characters... Nasty Neighbours, Council Jobsworths and Suckers. Depending on how you proceed with this matter you may (or may not) fill the role of the Sucker. Harsh but allow me to explain what has happened.
Nasty Neighbour can no longer park close to the front of his house and has to look at your car a few feet from his front door because you converted your garden to a drive just as many of your neighbours have done. NN has gone to the council and complained. NN is either a complete pain in the arse and incessantly pestering the Council Jobsworth or NN has a personal relationship with CJ and is forcing his hand. I say this because, as Woody has pointed out, the information CJ has provided you is completely inaccurate and is designed to make you panic and be fearful, there is motivation present to make you act a certain way. The CJ is desperate for you to reverse your driveway work without a fight, he has advised you don’t apply for Planning Permission as you’ll fail and he’s plucking financial figures out of thin air to put you off appealing or ignoring his advice.
Congratulations, your reaction thus far is exactly as the CJ and NN hoped. You have attended a meeting, cried in front of the CJ, shown weakness and lack of confidence in your situation and worse still a fear of the consequences. You have cast yourself as the Sucker.
How does this story conclude? There are two outcomes.
1) You dig up your gravel and cover it over with soil to appease your NN and by doing so CJ will go away too. Your name will be synonymous with “Sucker” and your self-confidence will suffer over the coming years. Worse still within five years NN will stick his nose in on a completely different matter and ask you to bend over whilst he humiliates you again. You will comply... again... and your self-pity will consume you.
2) You take strength in the many voices of support here (including my own), take a step back and try to smell the coffee. At the moment you can’t think straight, you’re far too emotional. You send a concise and confident letter to the CJ asking for a full breakdown in writing of the many points he raised with you during your meeting. Once received you send an even more confident letter stating that you do not believe that at the time of the work you were in contravention of any laws or planning policy. You also make CJ aware that you have also received professional advice that says you do not require Planning Permission. You believe the CJ has misunderstood planning policy or is being deliberately misleading and you will fight this matter fully right the way through to the High Court at extreme expense to the local council. You then ignore all further correspondence including requests for phone calls or meetings. CJ will not serve an enforcement notice, he will tell NN that it is not in the council’s interest to fight this all the way through the courts. NN will feel angry but will have learnt a valuable lesson and will realise that you can’t be pushed around. You will keep your lovely legal driveway and enjoy it every single day. Most importantly you will look back at this experience for years to come and you will see that you very nearly became a Sucker but instead YOU chose to stand up for yourself and you will feel proud of yourself and confident in tackling anything else life throws at you.
Please don’t be a Sucker. All this boils down to you needing to be a bigger pain in the arse for CJ than NN is currently being. Regain control, it’s not too late.
Keep us posted please and let me know if I can help.
Munzy (a former Sucker turned Winner)