So I've just removed a cracked lightbulb housing and didn't expect so many wires.
I have a new lightbulb housing but before I fit it I want to know if I can use these wires to wire an outdoor PIR security light?
The external wall is just to the right of the photo so I can run a straight line of flex through the wall.
As for these 3 cables.
The left hand one traces through the wall into the pantry lightbulb which are both controlled with a single wall switch just out of shot.
The top wire traces up through the ceiling to the bathroom.
The wire on the right hand side traces into the wall switch that is just out of camera shot.
I want the outdoor PIR light to independent isolated with a switch so we can switch it off in daylight time avoid pets and birds from tripping it.
Any advice is much appreciated.
I have a new lightbulb housing but before I fit it I want to know if I can use these wires to wire an outdoor PIR security light?
The external wall is just to the right of the photo so I can run a straight line of flex through the wall.
As for these 3 cables.
The left hand one traces through the wall into the pantry lightbulb which are both controlled with a single wall switch just out of shot.
The top wire traces up through the ceiling to the bathroom.
The wire on the right hand side traces into the wall switch that is just out of camera shot.
I want the outdoor PIR light to independent isolated with a switch so we can switch it off in daylight time avoid pets and birds from tripping it.
Any advice is much appreciated.