All in all, whilst the whole house calculator suggests 34kw+, i know for a fact that at 26kw, the boiler was heating the whole house up pretty adequately during the extremely cold weeks we had in January.
That may be, but it does not detract from the fact that even rated at 26 kw your pump does not have enough head to over come the system losses
Could you tell me why ? My post further up suggests my pump would be adequate at 26KW ?
Regardless of the setting of your boiler output the flow through it is governed by two things
1 The system curve ( resistance to flow)
2 the pump curve ( flowrate to resistance ratio)
Ie a particular pump will provide a certain flowrate which will decrease as resistance(head) to it increases this is known as. It's operating curve
The headloss has been
calculated not measured it is a estimation
And will err on the side of caution and there is good reason as the losses will increase as the system gets older
The pumps you have now when running probably lie just within some of the necessary curve, you will still have enough flow through the majority of the system as not all of the system has the same losses
The boiler has enough flowrate through it to operate at a certain output, the higher the output the more flowrate it reqs
Flowrate is fixed via the system curve and the pump curve
If there is enough then the boiler will be happy at its highest output
If there isn't , as in your case it won't
Your pumps are only providing enough to operate the boiler at a lower output