- Its the woman's body so she should have the ultimate say, even though its terminating a potential human life
It's not that simple, however simplistically you try to dress it up.
"A potential human life"" fails to take account of the quality of life for the Mother, the Parents, the Child, the Adult, any future children, etc.
The costs to the family and the state for sustaining an acceptable quality of life.
The risk of emotional stress caused by an early loss of the 'potential' human life.
I'm sure there's many more factors to be considered.
- some refuse to accept the unborn baby is alive until its born
It's not capable of viable life under 24 weeks.
It's like you claiming that an amputated limb is not alive. It's not capable of sustaining its own life. Neither is a foetus under 24 weeks.
- some want abortion restricted because of their beliefs
Some want to enforce their beliefs on others.
- some want the right to have one protected by some sort of constitutional right, that can't be changed.
So that a right-wing pro-life government can't change it from one parliament life to the next.
It's like the Magna Carta, so the royalty is always subject to the same law as the common man.
I think the balance is about right as it is. But I don't kid myself that an abortion (on socio economic grounds) is not the destruction of a potential human. So it should have checks and balances that extend beyond the rights of the woman to do as she pleases.
You are welcome to your belief.
Forcing it on others by nefarious means is unacceptable.