What's that called again: market mechanism That's all we need, everybody recognising/understanding that this is the way the world works (and has been working from the start
Ah yes, the free market economy. It does work (more or less) and always has but ---
That's real democracy
No it isn't. It's capitalism. One pound = one vote. Democracy is one person = one vote. The two rarely agree and so we must arrive at a compromise. The optimum solution can be found somewhere between Karl Marx and Rupert Murdoch.
Or maybe not. I have a friend who claims that someday capitalism and socialism will destroy each other and something new as yet undreamt of will emerge from the ruins. He might be right. I can't see homo sapiens being top ape on this planet for another 5 billion years. It's much more likely to be a machine - but not if Microsoft have anything to do with it!