Wales becomes Trumpton

It’s friggin nonsense.
It's why Wales went for a blanket limit. Saves a lot of signs but some in the area I go too are appearing. There is also a reluctance to stick to it on some roads but odd ones do. Many somewhat less than 30.
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But it does not save on signs - there was a very significant cost to alter existing 30 MPH signs from 30 / 40 to 20 and back to 40 and then to 30 and back to national. Last time I drove in Wales it was a shambles with speed limits changing every couple of hundred yards. Best bit was I was in a 20 then raised to 30 as it passed a school.

Don't get me wrong 20 past schools vulnerable people Care homes etc with ridged enforcement based on risk great. Blanket 20 mph based on well dogma is just pants.
But it does not save on signs
I was making a point about motorbikes comment about 20mph on a road and 30 on side roads
It could be looked at in another way - see street lights and the limit is 30 unless a sign says otherwise. Make that 20 but some populated roads in Wales have no street lights.
ajohn very true but there was a very significant cost expended in Wales to alter signs before the change. Evidence by the 20 MPH stickers used to cover up the 30 MPH markers. They all do need a permanent change as well by the way at least those that have not been defaced back to 30 mph of course. ;)
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Excellent, shows it's working and yet another loss for MBK.
Most speed limit reductions experience a temporary drop as people find other routes and then there is a regression to the mean. Same with speed cameras.
Most speed limit reductions experience a temporary drop as people find other routes and then there is a regression to the mean. Same with speed cameras.
The traffic is still trafficking regardless.
Great to see a drop in accidents and claims.
Shows its working.
Part of the issue with 20 zones is some of the areas they're implemented. Now of course, opinion on this is subjective which is to be expected. I know within my locality there are 20 zones that make perfect sense e.g. housing schemes. However we have stretches of road that, whilst in populated areas, I would assert could be 30 zones and still be safe. And whether it's right or wrong I can tell you one thing, when I drive along the latter zones doing 25, I will more often than not end up with x vehicles close behind me getting more and more impatient.

I'm pro 20 zones, where they make sense. Some will think entire towns should be 20 zones, fine that's their opinion. However surely it's about balance?
From the WalesOnline article:

"As the data runs until the end of December 2023, approximately 15 weeks after the 20mph rollout, it is too early to draw any concrete conclusions from it and the numbers follow a previous downward trend."

"Esure’s Rob Clark, head of motor underwriting, said: “We can see a clear drop in vehicle damage claims in Wales since the 20mph speed restriction was introduced in September 2023. During a time when we usually see these claims rise, they dropped and have continued to do so in Q1 2024. The restriction is clearly having an impact.”"

Esure's Rob Clark is making an assertion that, earlier in the article, is said to not be a reasonable one to make.
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