Wales becomes Trumpton

20 mph schemes reduce accidents but dont improve driving, its quite possible to drive dangerously at 20 through poor manoeuvring, pulling out without looking, or just relying on other drivers to be careful on your behalf. IME the most considerate (urban) drivers are tradies in vans, the least considerate are middle aged women in Q7s on their way back from Waitrose or dropping their kids at private school, they think their motor gives them automatic right of way in every situation.
I'd agree that no limit will improve the skill of bad drivers, however if we imagine a scenario (whether we agree with it or not) where 100% of vehicles in a 20 zone didn't exceed 20, I'd assert the area would be safer overall for drivers and pedestrians. What happens at present is some drivers stick to 20, some (like me) hover around 25 but quite a few will do 30+, and a few of those will be nearing 40. This creates challenges such as drivers sticking to ~20 getting irate drivers (who want to go faster) tailgating them and pedestrians not having the certainty that all vehicles are moving slowly.

Like many things, discussions on this will go round and round because we hold different opinions, which is fine, however we're unlikely to coalesce around one pov.

Which is why, eventually, we'll be limited speed wise by the tech in vehicles.
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however if we imagine a scenario (whether we agree with it or not) where 100% of vehicles in a 20 zone didn't exceed 20, I'd assert the area would be safer overall for drivers and pedestrians.
Agreed. Lower speeds are safer, it's basic science.
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Used to make me laugh (?) when plod used to pull people up down this way for speeding and in some cases have school children lecture the driver on speeding :giggle:

The same kids that were probably driven to school by there speeding parents (?)

Using school children some what like Maos China
Stalins Russia

Than there are the fruit cakes who don there day glo jackets ounce a month and donthere bit for the community with there speed cameras

Couple of old duffers down this way do it :LOL:
Used to make me laugh (?) when plod used to pull people up down this way for speeding and in some cases have school children lecture the driver on speeding :giggle:

The same kids that were probably driven to school by there speeding parents (?)

Using school children some what like Maos China
Stalins Russia

Than there are the fruit cakes who don there day glo jackets ounce a month and donthere bit for the community with there speed cameras

Couple of old duffers down this way do it :LOL:
You just might look on those old duffers differently if you lived in a small village and one of your nearest/dearest was knocked over and killed by a speeding motorist ...
You just might look on those old duffers differently if you lived in a small village and one of your nearest/dearest was knocked over and killed by a speeding motorist ...

I do live in a village

As for the old duffers with there hair dryers they are imo a waste of space and actually do nothing of consequence for road safety
ch is why, eventually, we'll be limited speed wise by the tech in vehicles

The law - abiding will.

Like the availability of dodgy firesticks though, there will be an element of the driving society who will circumvent any controls, as they currently pay little heed to the rules of the road.
I'm doing ok, thanks. If I rack up a load of points, get banned from driving or set off the speed cameras or get caught speeding, then I'll buzz you.

Focus your efforts on those that think it's their right to drive at whatever speed they see fit. (y)
The over 55s who passed their test 30 years ago and think they are good drivers, having never had a single hour of refresher training, tend to be thouse who are most likely not to have good observation skills, anticipate hazard situations and get angry and upset by others who over take them.

Would you let a surgeon operate on you if he'd never done any further training since he got his degree?
Does refresher training mean it's safer to drive faster?
Do you think a new driver, just fresh from training, is the best type of driver?

Any proof that faster speeds are safer than lower?
The point of the thread has been lost here: that the (Welsh Assembly?) fudged the data to support the introduction of scheme.............

.........which cost a lot of money to implement, and a lot of money to (partially) reverse.
The point of the thread has been lost here: that the (Welsh Assembly?) fudged the data to support the introduction of scheme.............

.........which cost a lot of money to implement, and a lot of money to (partially) reverse.

That never happens on this forum :)
The point of the thread has been lost here: that the (Welsh Assembly?) fudged the data to support the introduction of scheme.............
That 20 is safer than 30? Does anybody other than mbk think this?

But whether 20 is right or not.

No figures from Wales yet whether its proven right or not, too soon to tell for most, in this specific case.
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