Hi all
Had to resign from diynot due to conflicts, possibly my fault? anyhow i said i would get back on the performance of the new system, so i'm back, different name.
So, did i make the right choice? based on performance so far, yes i most certainly did. In comparison with the wet systems i've had the wau beats them hands down, i've had no issues with dust or noise transmission. The warm up time is fantastic (by this i mean time to warm the house, not the the system) you can put it on for ten minutes or so just to take the chill of say for the little ones bath time, within minutes warm air is oozing through the registers, fantastic! just what you want.
We are very very pleased, also if you have a working hot air system and are thinking of going wet, you may be dissapointed. I have to say alot has to do with it being a well designed system with proper return air vents etc.
I honestly have absolutely no regrets (i am honest enough to say if i had) if i was being really picky, it is slightly noisier than wet when on full blow, but it warms up so quickly and then the fan slows (or stops when temp is reached) and you can't hear it above the telly or a kettle being boiled.
So my money well spent, i knew i was doing the right thing