was tv worth watching

For some reason people think sky just does repeats? actually a lot of new stuff is commisioned for sky channels and then years later are then repeated on the beeb and such.
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Somebody is bound to come along and say if you don't like what is on use the on off button so I will.Must agree with the original post though about what rubbish was on trouble is I have been spoilt by watching the Eric and Ernie specials back in the seventies.
There's no denying the quality of programming has gone down over the years but the beeb has to take some of the blame here with its policy of cutbacks on commisioning new programming during the 80's and john birts reign as DG, such watered down programmes such as Neighbours were introduced to the UK and the gradual erosion of viewers tastes and aspirations for quality had started, nowadays the constant cheap to make programmes such as fly on the wall documentaries featuring unknowns and the quiz shows and the big brothers only go to show those that lived through the periods of quality programming what todays viewers are prepared to watch and accept as entertainment. A sad day but maybe TV's had its day as there are more important things on the minds of the "viewing public" these days such as going clubbing etc.
Yep i think you are probaly right although the governments of the day have to take alot of the blame they oversee the beeb and the governers and set the licence fee.Interesting about viewers though,in their hey day Eric and Ernie got about 20million viewers Del and Rodney when they struck it rich with their watch attracted around 24million this years highest figure was for Eastenders with about 12million so where are the missing millions.
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