Water shortage in South East

16 Sep 2003
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United Kingdom
Great, mid march, and the question of water supplies is on the agenda again, meanwhile Prescott's sphincter continues its discharge about building millions of houses probably with power showers and unvented cylinders........
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The water shortage, they could save some money and use the same bit of newsreel every year, that poor reporter was standing in the pouring rain reporting on the lack of water whilst the tide was rising behind her !. they used to blame the Russians for making all those holes in the sky with their sputniks it'll be blamed on the labour party next!! te he ....Oh! you already are, ha ha! :D
Why don't they invest in cleaning sea water for drinking etc, oops, cost too much to make a profit doesn't it?
masona said:
Why don't they invest in cleaning sea water for drinking etc,

Why don't they invest in better maintenance of the water supply infra structure? I've been told that 15 - 20% of clear fresh water leaks in the ground because of faulty 'waterworks' ;)
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There is over 30% underground leaking pipes in London alone :!:
We could all have an underground collection tank for rainwater and use this for watering the garden, cleaning the car, flushing the toilet etc. Strangely enough this is againt the water bylaws, nothing to do with not making money i'm sure.
masona said:
Why don't they invest in cleaning sea water for drinking etc, oops, cost too much to make a profit doesn't it?
I don't rate the desalination plants that highly, i was forced to drink treated seawater for two weeks and i ended up really thirsty, i don't think i could have put up with it for much longer.
Given that the water companies are now private would they stop or reduce the charges in times of shortage? I know they can't make it rain but it does sound like taking money under false pretences otherwise.
ever since the tories privatised the water its gone downhill, well their more interested in paying out fat dividends to share holders.someone said that southwest water now belongs to the french! ;)
kendor said:
masona said:
Why don't they invest in cleaning sea water for drinking etc, oops, cost too much to make a profit doesn't it?
I don't rate the desalination plants that highly, i was forced to drink treated seawater for two weeks and i ended up really thirsty, i don't think i could have put up with it for much longer.
No I mean treated it properly as to drinking water. It has been estimated that all water on this planet has been recycled at least seven times!!
Richardp said:
ever since the tories privatised the water its gone downhill, well their more interested in paying out fat dividends to share holders.someone said that southwest water now belongs to the french! ;)

Not sure whether you mean that Richard, but since then officially ;) there's about an extra 10 to 15 million people in the UK and probably most of them down in the south east.

I know it's the run up to the election, but are you under party orders to blame everything on all the other parties or is this coming natural :LOL:
Freddie, for a guy who's not really interested in politics you don't half come out with some good comments!
masona said:
No I mean treated it properly as to drinking water. It has been estimated that all water on this planet has been recycled at least seven times!!
that is what i meant masona on holiday in eilat the drinking water supply is from the desalination process and although you can't taste any trace of salt i know i became very thirsty after drinking it, mind you it was a good excuse to drink alchohol ;)
david and julie said:
Freddie, for a guy who's not really interested in politics you don't half come out with some good comments!

I always take an interest in everything around me, but i think politicians only look after theirselves.

But i love having a dig at those who try to push one sides agenda ;)

On a serious note to this-----i do find it distasteful and insulting that a person or a group of people want to peddle untruths and propaganda in order for them to be able to control and impose their wishes on your lives.

I find it grossly insulting that these people think we are so stupid as to believe this peddled garbage.

I thought we were supposed to be free and not go down this route which is no different than dictatorism.

This is not aimed at anybody here in particular just my general veiw. :)
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