Water shortage in South East

A mate of mine is a chemical engineer and currently works in commissioning sewage and water treatment sites. He told me, just a couple of weeks ago, that the water coming out of a sewage treatment works is so clean that you could drink it. But what they do is to throw said water into a river, then a mile downstream take it out again and have to clean it all over again before they can put it into the supply pipes to our homes.

Now, I quite like the idea that there is a bit more time between water coming out of someone's willy and me then drinking it again, but according to my mate, it is a waste of water treatment and energy to do it this way.

We might as well just drink out the spout of the sewage works and use the energy we save to fix the leaky pipes, take in extra water at the treatment plants or even do a bit of desalination. Then we wouldn't have so many problems with droughts.
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fredie, i certainly hope the population hasnt grown by 15 milion in 20 years! :D
Alternatively, move to Scotland, there's plenty of pure (1st generation, no pre-willy) water there. And its soft ! ;) does this mean all cockneys have gallstones and are adding calcium to the water :?:
i think it has grown by quite a bit but the real figure is probably twicw to three times the amount, and in the south east many times that.
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Fredie, i think youll find the population of the uk is about 60 million and has not climbed by a masive amount in the last 20 years.
All i tell you in truth is that in 1974 the population was around 53 million and the worlds just over 3 billion i know that from a book in geography at school