''We dont want you foreigners in our village ,



we should have closed the draw bridge to you years ago.'' :eek:
Were the words of some old woman to the missus, our one year old daughter and myself yesterday evening.

charming eh?
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Ah, now I know why you took the position you did in the 'now I know why' thread.

Get out. :mad:

We are thinking about approaching the council now with a view to renting the cottage to immigrants.
Either that or bulldozing it to the ground and selling it off as a couple of building plots.
Bulldoze it , then sell the plot to some travellers. :LOL: :LOL:

Revenge is sweet. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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Ive looked into that option believe it or not , its very hard to get planning for a halting site and we would probably lose money on it.
Shame it isnt a big enough plot to put a tescos on here. :LOL:
Around 20 yrs ago, I moved to a small village in North Derbyshire. We were labelled outsiders for the 3 years that we lived there. The local club (miners welfare club) was quite strange. First few times we went there, almost everywhere we sat, we were told "Tha can't sit there youth,Ow'd Jack'll be in in a bit, He allus sits there."
It was like musical chairs. I even stood at the bar one night only to be reminded that Ow'd Bert allus stands in that spot.
Only when I started playing for the darts team, did anything approaching some sort of acceptance, happen.
;) ;)
I'm Irish , the missus is Greek though, she couldn't look more foreign if you put a turban on her head and my wee girl has very dark skin , especially for a baby.
The thing is we both speak English (first language) and wouldn't consider our selves foreign.
So far we have had people kicking our doors late at night front and back , stones thrown at the house late at night , our car has been damaged, we have had people prowling around at night, people have had the police out to our house reporting ''disturbances'' to list just a few episodes.
Its hard because most of the people here are really lovely and friendly but it would seem some dont want us here.
What boils my **** is nobody from this village had the balls to take this cottage on as a project and they would have been happy to see it crumble into the ground until we came along.
I'm not letting it bother me though , its their problem , not mine.
Get yourself a big dog and give as good as you get. I wouldn't consider Irish as "foreign".
Reach out to them and offer to tarmac their drive.

Failing that have you informed the police of what's going on? What do they have to say when they're called to these 'disturbances'?

Surely those making the call to 999 can be done for wasting police time.
Depends where in the County you are. If in a tourist area do they think that they are seeing yet another holiday home being converted which does tend to upset a lot of locals.
I moved here many years ago and never had any issues nor in these parts do they appear at all.
On that programme move to the country

They should add a bit about local bigots when they show them the house

"This house has lovely scenic views and enough land for 2 horses.
There is a local shop,rustic pub and handy post office......unfortunately you won't be welcome in any of them......have a nice day" :mrgreen:

I've given this some thought.

Have you considered the possibility that this isn't an issue of race or colour at all.
The population of the village may just simply think your a c*nt. :LOL: :LOL:

I've given this some thought.

Have you considered the possibility that this isn't an issue of race or colour at all.
The population of the village may just simply think your a c*nt. :LOL: :LOL:

That sounds reasonable to me. :LOL: :LOL:
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