Have you moved to the village where Midsummer murders is set?
I can relate to the earlier post, 'Don't sit there, old Jim sits there he does', so after a quick check that I wasn't sat on him, with an empty room, I stated, I'll move if he comes in, 'No you will move now, that's Jim's place, always has been'...
So moved a seat down, hoping to meet Old Jim, turns out old Jim had been dead 20 years...(?)...
After that place had no room for customers, because all the seats were occupied by spirits (bad pun!), many people moved onto a social club a few meters up the road, where an argument flared up, are you loyal to your area, are you born and bred to your village? Turns out the majority most were born and inbred from another nearby township, or slum village, and moved in, but loyal to their newly found surrounds, heaven from slum, and I was an outsider, as being living in that area for most of my life, my moving out for a while, made me an outsider...
Village mentality...?? Maybe I could understand it in some remote Cornish village (no offense), but not somewhere on the outskirts of Madchester! If someone that has lived there all their lives and a newcomer comes in, ye olde peoples are curious, and distrusting it seems, even to those that return to their roots. Now I get old people at the bus stop, telling me my Family history, that I don't know, and telling me about history I never knew. "You tell your Mum, Agnes was asking after her", I recall this to my Mother, and she says, I spoke to her once in 1962....Agnes must be, by account 110 years old??