Well, what did you get..

My daughter and her boyfriend came round today - had to set an umbrella and a patio heater up for them. As well as bringing me my usual selection of speciality cheeses, they bought us a voucher for a stay at somewhere they regularly go to. It’s a bit of a foody hotel type chain. We're going to try to go as soon as we can. I just hope they’re still in business when we come out of this - if we ever do!


Edit: **** me! They gave us a £200 voucher and that won’t get us a night with breakfast in one of their cheapest rooms! This is one of those 'gifts' that’s going to cost me. Mrs Mottie was talking about going to one of them a while ago and has already earmarked what room she fancies - and it ain’t the cheapest. Oh well, we had every holiday we booked this year cancelled so what the heck - at least it’ll give us something to look forward to.
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Family did me proud, clubbed together & bought I a stately home fit for my status as a retired country gentleman.

"Fook Hall" it's called.

I'm having business cards printed.

I am now officially Dork Lard, the Lard of all Dorkness of Fook Hall ?