We're going back to the moon ...

What's this? Is it the timeline of an idiots attention span I wonder?

I appreciate that astrophysics on Diynot is stretching it somewhat slightly, but if you need pikturez then it might be wise for you to sit this one out.

Have you ever heard of 'Mumsnet'? Or did they defeat you there also???

So a request for some information from you about flat earthers ( not Astro physics ), garners just insults from you.

You are a Fool, a Troll, and a fantasist.
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It wasn't a request for any info of any kind. It was your pathetic attempt to try to get one up, & it failed abysmally.

Go forth & multiply, leave the grown ups to discuss the important matters.

You're a miserable Troll, and a fantasist, and a busted flush on here, where you are treated with contempt.

Oh, have a nice day.
I wonder if they need any electricians for when they get to the moon next? What's in the plugs - Live, Neutral and Moon?
I'm afraid 'Moon' probably won't be required! :(
I haven't found any spec on Artemis yet (...will keep looking), but if we take the ISS, or Apollo Landers as examples - Both use batteries and the ISS has massive solar arrays.
These systems provide a floating DC supply; an 'earth', or 'moon' simply isn't needed.
Apollo had a 28V DC bus and did have an AC inverter; but this was oversized as more systems were converted to DC through the development process.
The ISS bus is 160V DC with DC/DC convertors providing a constant 124.5V.

Edit: just to add, the landing craft for the Artemis mission has been chosen to be the SpaceX HLS (Human Landing System).
As with much of SpaceX's proprietary hardware, exact technical information seems to be hard to get hold of!
Although it's fair to assume that at least a couple of Tesla battery packs will make their way to the moon! :)
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It's famous, we must of all seen it :unsure: strange isn't it that these conspiracy theorists all believe in the same ideas, and yet we(the vast majority):confused: are the Sheeple who don't think for ourselfs:confused:

Yep, they’re willing to believe absolutely anything other than the blatantly obvious.

Dunning Krueger in full effect with that lot.

There’s very few people I have more contempt for than conspiracy theorists. Some say it’s just a bit of fun and conspiracy theories are a laugh but I genuinely think they’re a cancer. The reason we had a hard time following simple precautions during the pandemic was in no small part due to idiotic conspiracy theorists on Facebook and YouTube.
A timely article in The Grauniad about the way the moon landings hoax started and spread by a chap called Bill Kaysing who wrote We Never Went to the Moon - i'm sure the conspiracy theorists will have an answer for it but enjoy the read.
Buzz Aldrin was a guest at the goodwood revival when I was there a couple of years ago (?)
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