What a surprise the EU has offered us longer

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To be even more accurate, they’re not doing what most people wanted. Call me naive but isn’t that the whole point of a vote/democracy?
To be much more accurate, people should understand the type of 'democracy' they are ruled by before naively believing that what they think they are voting for will necessarily happen...
Here we go again, people here in favour of remain completely unwilling to recognise the majority voted leave.

As i explained previously to you desperate to muddy the waters, we all collectively as a majority voted leave. That means NOT being in the EU, that means out. If the government ended up going with no deal, then that too is out, leave. And i am pretty sure (not 100% no) most of us would prefer that to being tied in any way to the EU as we voted to be independent of the EU not sovereignty not anything else. We didn't vote to strike a deal we voted on the ballot paper to LEAVE the EU. Am i clear? No really IS THAT CLEAR?

As i explained before , again i would speculate most people who voted remain voted to remain INside the EU, the only difference being you're already in, and had we been voting to be in for the first time it would of been then down to the professionals not us to manage the best deal to get us in. It would of been highly unusual for us as mere plebs to be presented a series of logic style votes 'if that then this' until we met our objective.

The reason the shambles is because

A) There is a majority of MPs who you have yourselves acknowledged ARE NOT following the constituent majority in cases and are not towing party line either and are voting against the government, these are Pro Remain or ERG etc.
B) As Brexit is a Tory government lead objective which you can see from the outset a very tall order with the majority of pro remain MP's this is a beautiful opportunity to oppose all progress to enable Labour to go for no confidence and force a GE. Look at Mv1 Mv2 99% Labour opposed. 60% of Labour constituencies backed Brexit, Labours manifesto promised categorically to uphold the referendum, with no further vote.. yet they are clearly trying their hardest to stop progress (yet at the same time point at the government and say look how sh't they are)

This has nothing to do with the offboarding from EU we are not there yet. Its everything to do with gaining power and Brexit is the casualty here. This has nothing to do with the negotiation. Its about people blocking the process to negotiate.

And that is the crux of this. We shouldn't be here in this shambles in the first place i agree we shouldn't, it should of been done already but people with your mindset, who have 'changed their minds' about what a referendum means now it isn't in their favour, refusing to accept the majority results are so far managing to reverse Brexit despite the voting result.


And no doubt what Owen Patterson said in the Hoc's yesterday reiterates what ive said above is no doubt wrong too...
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Festive, there are lots of countries in the world that are not in the EU. They all have relationships with it, of one kind or another. There are four main ways of relating. Let's say, for example, like Norway, or Switzerland, or Canada, or like Somalia.

When you voted, you did not say which option you wanted.

You cannot force other people to agree with you that the Somalia option is the one they wanted. Especially when they didn't.

View attachment 162463

Apart from silly vinty, not many people would have voted for the Somalia option.
Would be an awesome time to have a last deciding referendum, just to put it to bed.
Rofl....jeez,,,we had it ffs .Which parallel universe do you live in where just 1 more ref will sort everything.
Festive, there are lots of countries in the world that are not in the EU. They all have relationships with it, of one kind or another. There are four main ways of relating. Let's say, for example, like Norway, or Switzerland, or Canada, or like Somalia.

When you voted, you did not say which option you wanted.

You cannot force other people to agree with you that the Somalia option is the one they wanted. Especially when they didn't.

View attachment 162463

Apart from silly vinty, not many people would have voted for the Somalia option.

So you agree with every other point i made good, only the bit you lost on, oh that's right the remain voters their vote was legitimate of course and leave wasn't. REALLY? The question was should we remain a member. Option -Leave the European Union. You too are the type of person i have described in my post.
PM said X or Y and plans to deliver on that basis pending a vote.
Vote cast on that presumption.
Said PM then promptly resigned, leaving the choice about what to do next, up to the next PM.
What don't you understand about one PM not being able to dictate what another PM does or doesn't do?
Here we go again, people here in favour of remain completely unwilling to recognise the majority voted leave.
So if the people voted, in a referendum, to go to war, say with USA, on a false premise, the MPs should ignore their own good judgment and go to war?
That isn't how it works in any democracy. It never has, it never will.
The reason the shambles is because

It is because leavers cant agree what Brexit they want.

and in fact they know what they want -to leave the single market and customs union, but still have access to it.

or they want a no deal but without any economic impact.

both fantasies
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