Captain Nemesis
Ah - Stella tortoise.
This reminded me of my first (serious) encounter with the stuff...
My mate who's returned from Australia...
At Bisley doing target marking during Queens Prize week. In one of the clubs one lunchtime for a couple of pints before my afternoon stint. Long time ago (late 60s) it wasnt a widely available tipple. And the law on minimum drinking age wasnt widely known in the clubs either
Got chatting to a member of the Australian shooting team who was moaning about not being able to get any decent beer since they arrived. "Have you tried Stella?" I asked, "Its pretty good". "No mate" he said, draining his glass, "I havent".
"Would you like one?"
"Cheers, mate".
Turned out to be the best value pint I ever bought, as one by one the rest of the team turned up, and as each one arrived it was "Whaddya drinking?"
"Some stuff called Stella - its OK"
"Aright - so thats 2/3/4... pints?"
"Cheers, mate".
Sometime later, and 8-10 pints the worse for wear I returned to the hut, having missed my stint (and, natch, the pay for it), to lie down for a while. By the time that while was over Id missed the evening meal as well. I was not feeling 100%, shall we say.
Even after a night of more sleeping followed by an army fry-up I was still a tad peaky, but I did manage to resume work.