What are you having for breakfast?

What the Aussie version of Bovril or the Aussie version of Marmite?
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Tell me more Bod, this quis sounds fun. Did Mottie start it??


Well Andy it's one of the few threads Mottie hasn't started.. Teaboy had tried to replicate Mottie but nothing has rattled Bagpuss like
Quiz® the fastest growing thread this side of 1976
Easy. He notices the disappointment of others on the forum and concludes that I’m :sleep:
Now I'm confused, how do you know Mottie's sleeping habits?


He tells me...
I know what he eats for breakfast what time he walks the dog, what's growing at the allotment. I know the last time he see the kebab. And he's a coffee snob...
He tells me...
I know what he eats for breakfast what time he walks the dog, what's growing at the allotment. I know the last time he see the kebab. And he's a coffee snob...

At least he hasn't told you what's growing in his pants when Mrs Motties around.


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