What are you having for breakfast?

Very rarely fry sausages - always cook them in the oven with a chopped up onion or two.
I usually grill 'em, occasionally i'll fry but only if i can be bothered to clean the hob later. Only time i'd bung 'em in t'oven is when they're turning into toad-in-t'ole.
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Not breakfast, not lunch or dinner, but linner - I had the largest, thickest gammon steak I have ever tackled. Taken out of the freezer early this morning, to give it time to defrost in the fridge, grilled 10 minutes each side, to brown it a little, then gas mark 5 for 20 minutes. It was incredibly tender. Served with a couple of slices of pineapple, baked beans and sautéed potatoes, both leftover from yesterday - there would have been an egg, had there been room for one. The dog got the leftovers from my linner, after she had demolished a homemade cottage pie, from the freezer, which was busting out of it's container.
Not just any old egg on toast……

Toasted multi-grain bread with smashed avocado, gently poached egg and grilled tomatoes, topped with flaked chillies. It’s as nice to eat as it is to look at. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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I've been quite boring recently...bowls of bran flakes or NAS Aldi muesli. If we've got them I'll add any number of things to the muesli:

Plain yogurt, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, sultanas etc....
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Today, I took a ride to my favourite Lidl, to do a major restock. I spotted some more of the smoked gammon steaks, which I'd so enjoyed on the 29th - it would have been rude not to pop one in the trolley. So it was a repeat of the 29th, gammon steak, pineapple, chips and this time an egg. I cooked the gammon as before, grilled on each side, then gas 5 for 20 minutes whilst the chips cooked. Incredibly tender and juicy, not salty, better than the usual pub gammon offering.

It has left me wondering, if smoked is naturally more tender than unsmoked, and if they use less salt in the curing of gammon when it is smoked?
Not just any old egg on toast……

Toasted multi-grain bread with smashed avocado, gently poached egg and grilled tomatoes, topped with flaked chillies. It’s as nice to eat as it is to look at. Not bad. Not bad at all.

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Your breakfasts always look SOooo good ... then I glance down at my rice krispies :(
The "common or garden" gammon we mostly see in the supermarkets is a very different beast to the traditionally produced stuff.
Sorry, forgot to add to that...

Like bacon, some are more traditionally produced by dry curing and smoking over wood chips.

Much mass produced gammon and bacon has "liquid smoke" added.
Bacon, eggs, mushrooms, toms on toasted muffins, Saturday treat, porridge & banana rest of the week
Olde Ship Inn Seahouses have it on the breakfast menu, along with kippers, smoked haddock & salmon
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