Surviving. Watching the pennies. Buying things I need second hand. I like the hunt for that.
Messing with my e-bike and riding everywhere I can.
Watching YouTube.
Pottering around the house doing things.
I ran a forum years ago on my ecommerce site, largely to increase my Google rankings. The amount of spam was enough for me to shutter it. I ended up blocking shed loads of IP addresses from Russia and Brazil, nevertheless, there was a lot of spam to clear up. A forum about dog supplements could be inundated by spammers trying to plug yachts...
Me too, I love pottering round the charity shops, only rarely do I buy anything, but exceptionally - last week I bought three pairs of new briefs, in a pack, found they had miscounted and there were four. Found them a really good fit, so later bought two more packs. Friday, I spotted a pair of new M&S jeans in my size, for £3.99, then a second matching pair, so grabbed them too.