What do you do with your dog poo?

Good luck with "urging" refuse collectors with examining the contents of every bin they empty.
They do that round here already. If I have a bin collection before I've been down the park, the sh!t goes in the general rubbish, along with garden waste. Buggered if I'm paying £100 a year for 6 months service. If I didn't put garden stuff in, it would be more or less empty, ace recyclers we are.
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Garden brown bin is collected fortnightly during growing season and is free, or rather included. The council compost it to cover the cost. I only use the brown bin maybe two three times per year when I cut the front hedges, because the wheelie bin is more convenient than taking it out back. Grass when cut, is simply distributed on top of where it is cut to rot down, if I collected it there would be far too much for a wheelie bin. Cuttings at the back, branches and trees, go over the back fence to rot down, are burned, or if worth while are offered to those with log burners.
Any branches/twigs etc that fall naturally or I cut off with my bow saw are taken into the meadow next door and arranged under the hedgerows to form natural habitats for the wildlife. Currently have a fox going back and forth during the early morning and early evening to a spot under the hedgerow about 50 yards away. Hoping he/she has chosen the spot to dig a burrow because of the camouflaged effect of the waste wood.

When I had a dog, over 15 years ago, I would always clean up it's mess and spray the area with a mild disinfectant. The wrapped mess was placed in my own general rubbish bin.
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Our local council allow dog poo in the general rubbish, but request that it is double bagged. We collect our dogs and leave it outside in its own caddy during the week and then either double bag it in the general ubbish, or alternatively take the double bag and dispose of it in the local dog poo bin


Our local council allow dog poo in the general rubbish, but request that it is double bagged. We collect our dogs and leave it outside in its own caddy during the week and then either double bag it in the general ubbish, or alternatively take the double bag and dispose of it in the local dog poo bin



I just wished more were like you, thanks