what does your firm give you at xmas ?

It is an attempt to exert influence, no doubt about it.

Will the workforce be saying "don't worry about pay and conditions, as long as we get our bonus"?

I wouldn't.
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Of course it is John. Plain as the nose on your face. The problem is that the so-called "union" are very clearly in the company's pockets. Have been for as long as i've been there. Little things like a shop steward getting his son in through an agency and then getting him a company temp contract after 2 weeks while there are other agency lads started at the same time and still not been taken on after 3 months. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No doubt our "union" will wholeheartedly recommend we take whatever paltry offer is made.

If it's like you say,then why don't you vote someone else in at the next election,or go for it yourself and help to change things. After all, "The Union" is the members and"The Union" is only as strong as it's members,it's leaders and representatives are elected by the membership.

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