Im sort of semi-retired, i onlt work part time now.
I work for a horticultural company, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the IT they were using.
There was still green screen monitors connected some sort of DEC minicomputer, dot matrix line printers in cabinets printing on fanfold A3 paper. HP Laserjet 2000 printers, which i was binning in 2003, and unbelievable system - the computer produces a delivery note which is given to the lorry drivers, the bottom copy comes back and ist then scanned back in, wtf !!! Nothing is sent electronically, everything is printed out and filed, vast masses of paper filing. The idea you can store things on the network and dont need the paper copy just hasnt dawned on most people here
The programs they use on this system are straight from the 1970's. Theres Windows PC's with green s creen terminal emulators on so they can talk to the pile of antiquity. Its just unbelievable someone is trying to run a company with a turnover of £25million on this pile of junk. They have about 4 main bits of software, and nothing talks to anything else. No form of data exchange goes on. The output from the order system has to be retyped into the production system. The products database has to be converted to excel and sucked into the mini, ditto the forecasting system has to converted to CSV and sucked into the Lotus system. Its unbelievable. Nothing can be found out easily, simple queries like 'when will my order be delivered' requires large amounts of time and obscure system knowledge to answer.