What has gone wrong with the Human Race ?

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we cant be held responsible for Skitz. Blame the Generation X'ers.
I absolutely believe that this countries problems have been caused by liberal minded people. Like those who would have us ban B&Q, and Focus Etc. :evil:
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That piece of s*** doesn't deserve to live anymore. I don't care if it's gone on for 10,000years or not... (and you can't prove that)... but if it has, it's been sick and wrong for 10,000 years too.

Some crims deserve a 2nd chance, but not this sort.... let's use it's body (whilst still alive) for medical testing. Let's record the screams before it dies and put the recording through headphones in the national history museum - to try and show the human race in a perspective of evil and victim... dunno just thinking this through...
But its all nothing new........the horrors of mans inhumanity to man vastly dwarf what this gu yhas done, hes a minnow. If your going to rant about Mankind, you need to look at the key players in cruelty and terror. Ghengis Khan, for example, never took prisoners except for pleasure. Delighted in torturing his enemies, and invented some truly gruesome ways to disassemble a living humans. Ivan the Terrible didnt get his name cos he would pop round and do the neighbours shopping..........1793, the Reign of Terror in France, when the streets of Paris literally ran red with blood.........or the Atrocity of Nantes, committed by J P Carriers. His army raped all the women in the town, butchered the children alive, then tied the men up in boats, and sank the boats in the lake.

Or what about Luis Garavito, Child-murderer, torture-killer, and rapist known as "La Bestia" aka "The Beast." Convicted of killing 138 victims but suspected of murdering over 300 victims, mostly street children. Or Dr. Harold Shipman, killed up to 350 old women cos he thought he had the right to.

You coudl write books on this subject. Man is doing what man has done for millenia, why be suprised?
. Or Dr. Harold Shipman, killed up to 350 old women cos he thought he had the right to.

, why be suprised?
maybe he had to live with their "driving skills" like we do in East Sussex :rolleyes: and their husbands are no better :eek:
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