what has the sudan done for us.

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
why are we dealing with sudan :confused: is there something they have got that we want :confused: and why do non muslims bother to go there :confused: :cool: is it a good holiday spot can u get a drink a dance and a kiss:cool: :LOL: or is it a beating ,a bullitt. and a load of bullsh## :confused:
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so far, billyo, your opinion has been winning.

"a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing"

always a good excuse
Just saw this in the news:

Hundreds of people are marching through the Sudanese capital Khartoum protesting against the "lenient sentence" passed on British teacher Gillian Gibbons.

Mrs Gibbons was jailed for 15 days for blasphemy after allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear Mohamed.

According to reports, the marchers are calling for the 54-year-old mother-of-two to be shot.
I once worked with somebody from Sudan. She was the tallest person I have ever met. She was also the most racist person I have ever met; odd for a Christian, I told her.
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The problem with THIS country is that everyone is terrified to have an opinion or speak out! The only place is the internet because of the fear from nutters burning your house down or attacking you as you go down the street.
Sudan as a Muslim nation have made an ass out their faith by such actions against an innocent teacher.

Why don't we root out some poor muslim teacher who has innocently named a teddy bear Jesus and lock them in prison or police cell??

No of course not. But we are meant to keep our mouths shut about such stupidity in our homeland!
why are we dealing with sudan :confused: is there something they have got that we want :confused: and why do non muslims bother to go there :confused: :cool: is it a good holiday spot can u get a drink a dance and a kiss:cool: :LOL: or is it a beating ,a bullitt. and a load of bullsh## :confused:

How dare you call sudan in this way what do you mean what has sudan done for us well i will tell yea.

SOD ALL a bit like the rest of the religous freaky countrys all they wanna do is chop off body parts...............

emmmm gives me an idea here i could set up a mail order web site for body parts.
Anyone want a hand.
Sounds like a lot of stress. You might lose your head.
''what has the Sudan done for us?''
well if we haven't had anything from them it must be one of very few countries that we haven't exploited at some time in our history, I bet we've dug a few holes for minerals of some kind or sacked the odd temple for their antiquities.
"What has Sudan ever done for us"

Aside from:

a) Sudan being the only oil producing country in East Africa with huge oil reserves,
b) Being a substantial trade partner for the UK (£155m from exports to Sudan in 2006) and:

c) Having once been under Anglo-Egyptian governance from 1899-1956, providing a handy rear quater base on the Arabian Gulf from which to fight 'Ze Germans' ....

.... not much really. :LOL:

Ok, so we did blow £326m on relief aid in the last 3 years but with ma-hoosive oil reserves like that, you'd want to keep them sweet! ;)

Ok, so we did blow £326m on relief aid in the last 3 years but with ma-hoosive oil reserves like that, you'd want to keep them sweet! ;)

But we aren't keeping them sweet. They obviously hate us - certainly their clerics do. The reports I read said that people streamed from the mosques (10,000 of them apparently) crying for this poor teacher's blood. But it isn't just the Sudanese rabble, who may be excused for having fed innaccurate information. Over here, all the message boards (aol, timesonline, yahoo) carry contributions from Muslims living in this country who think the sentence was too lenient. One complained that the Heathrow shop assistant (the one who wrote poems about beheading and had terrorist literature at her home) got two years, the argument being that British justice is even more harsh.
Fair point NickStone, but it's not the Sudanese people nor the Clerics that we are paying money to. It's the Sudanese govt. (via the World Bank) They are the one's that have acted so leniently towards the teacher (too leniently, IMO). Not the Sudanese muslims nor their Clerics.

In a report I caught on TV, the Ambassador for Sudan in the UK said that the Sudanese government was made up of a disproportionate number of Christians/non-Islamic members (71% Muslim population - 50% Christian/non-Islamic government). It is these individuals who are seeking moderation in the application of Sharia law and appeasement on the world stage in the face of anti-Islamic extremism.

I do agree with the view that the sentence was a bit of a slap on the wrist for the teacher, as well as a smack in the face for Muslims. At a time when Islam is being depicted as the bad guy and Christianity as the all-prevailing good, giving a Christian teacher 15 days for a transgression that would have earned a Muslim 4 YEARS / 40 lashes doesnt really help things. :rolleyes:

As regards the Heathrow shop assistant, there's a fair bit of difference between the two cases, IMO. She was glorifying / supporting terrorism and the murder of 'infidels'. The teacher in Sudan named the class teddy bear after one of the pupils (Mohamed). As the Archbishop of Canterbury pointed out, 'if guilty of anything, it should only be a cultural faux pas'.

If they had named a pig 'Mohamed', then there would have been more grounds for the outrage caused. Id have to say that, in this case, the Muslim community is being overly (but probably understandably, given the current climate) sensitive.
An extremely informed and well stated post Mr Chippy with which I agree 100% ;)
With the addition of the Ignore button it will happen I think as people will, at the onset of a diatribe by certain individuals, simply ignore them and get on with discussing the issues in the thread.
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