what has the sudan done for us.

I think as people will, at the onset of a diatribe by certain individuals

By calling their contributions diatribes MW,I think that you are paying some of these individuals an undue compliment here. Some of the posts, particularly those posted by the one guy I have chosen to ignore, are little more than verbal diarrhoea, with little evidence of a considered forceful and bitter attack.
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You may be right ... But the outcome is the same ... Total forum silence, calm and serenity :LOL:
It's called a 'fools paradise' meggawatt. :LOL:
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Fair point NickStone, but it's not the Sudanese people nor the Clerics that we are paying money to. It's the Sudanese govt. (via the World Bank) .

Definition of the world Bank

"An Organisation dedicated to taking money away from the poor people in the rich nations and giving it to the rich people in the poor nations"

Think it fits here?
"What has Sudan ever done for us"

Aside from:
but with ma-hoosive oil reserves like that, you'd want to keep them sweet! ;)

OOH YEA like they realy are helping out £1.12 a litre next time they ask would you like to donate to sudan .....................

yea here a nice little teddy is name is bob mohammid and likes pork chops.
SHE did not name the bear, ;) the kids did ,so they and there parents should be sitting in the next cell :eek: aS THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN TOLD AT HOME THAT U CANT NAME A BEAR AFTER THE PROPHET BLESSINGS BE UPON HIM, as for the 155 million worth of fuel, that will get a small village to work for one day :LOL: at to-days price's. ANYWAY SHE HAS JUST BEEN FREED
Srories like this are great. The teacher will make a fortune out of her story and the World can see what a ridiculous sham of a religion that Islam is (in it's most extreme form).
joe, most religion get hi.jacked at one time or another, its the people who change the words of wisdom giving to us from the prophets,to suit there evil deeds and those who follow them are not religious, just bigots who are out for gain and profit, :( they would burn us all at the stake if we dont comply with there wished,true belivers wont bother you they will only pray for you, they wish you no harm ,there are plenty of fanatic's who belive in nowt only power and money ;) the 10 commands are the best think ever written, even if you are not a beliver they are the backbone to a good society and a paceful life ;) they are so hard to keep :cry: even for me :)
Not all god news though
Woolworths are taking a huge hit on this; they are giving their entire stock of teddy bears away as they now realise it's not right to make a prophet out of them
Not all god news though
Woolworths are taking a huge hit on this; they are giving their entire stock of teddy bears away as they now realise it's not right to make a prophet out of them


This is going to be the best quip of the day. And TW, no, I'm not a prophet, just good at guessing.
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